Title: Escape the Dungeon
Team Name: Team Awesome
Team Members: Chromious, Z-Fighter, Mebibyte
General Information
Most sections have been updated. Game World information is new. Schedule is unchanged.
Game Description: You wake up in a strange dungeon with a puddle of water at your feet. You can see water rushing in from behind you, and a door in front of you. With no idea why ou you are here or what’s going, on you press onward through the door. In this next room, you are faced with a strange puzzle. You must solve these puzzles in each room before the water completely surrounds you and sends you to an early, watery grave. You have a top-down, possibly slightly isometric view of the surroundings in the dungeon, and the puzzles are always about finding a way to the next room. The player wins by not drowning in the rising water and reaching the end of the dungeon. Or is it really the end?