Design Document

Game Name: Window to your soul: A VR Horror show.

Team: BBD

Members: warl0ck, gtvgd03, virtuahost


The player starts in a nightmare. He/ she is trapped in the nightmare by his/ her darkest fear and cannot wake up. To wake up the player has to move around in their nightmare and find pieces of reality. Once enough pieces of reality are gathered the player can create a connection to their real life and wake up from the nightmare. The pieces of reality are all hidden by your darkest fear and have to be found from a series of clues hidden in the environment. But as the players move around in the nightmare to find these pieces of reality, the horrors they witness make them less sane with passing time. As the players lose sanity, they have a harder time moving around and looking around. As the players find more pieces of reality they gain bits of their sanity back. Players will have this feeling of being followed. If players look behind, players lose perspective of the nightmare and they have to start finding the clues again.

Fun Aspects:

The fun aspects of the game involve using unique abilities provided by the rift to create some “aha” moments. These fun moments involve using the ability to look around freely, this allows us to create unique mechanics for various aspects of the game, different from traditional horror/puzzle games, these include but are not limited to the following:

  • Inspecting Clues:

Once a clue is found you need to inspect it to decipher it. To inspect it you need to physically look around it, like examining a map or a book or a mode in  which you need to find some hidden marker, you would need to actually look around the object in the rift.

  • Looking Behind:

We use various polish effects to make the player feel that he is being followed, these include sounds of footsteps behind you, sounds of breathing, and sudden shadow’s appearing in front of you. This gives the player the urge to look behind in the rift, it also decreases the sanity of the character.  Actually looking behind will penalize the player by having a startling event for scaring the player or changing the environment around the player.

  • Perspective Distortion:

As the sanity of the player decreases  we distort the player’s perspective  by making the hallway’s seem longer, blurring out the players vision making the world shake which make it harder to find clues.

Core Mechanics:

The player will be able to navigate the level with a standard keyboard and mouse control scheme or a gamepad, and will be able to naturally look around using the Oculus Rift. They will be able to see fairly under normal conditions, but occasionally the ambient light will require the player to use their flashlight. Upon finding clues or starting certain puzzles, the player will be able to enter an inspection view in order to see the clues more closely or manipulate the puzzle in greater detail. The player’s sanity will slowly drain as time passes in the nightmare. Finding certain clues and solving puzzles will allow the player to stay sane by giving them a boost to their sanity level for connecting back with reality. As the player looks around the game may make small changes to the world outside of their view, in order to throw them off or make them uneasy. Upon finding enough clues and solving enough puzzles, the player will be able to fully reconnect with reality and wake from their nightmare.

Individual Responsibility:


  • Designing and Implementing Clues
  • Designing and Implementing Polish effects



  • Movement
  • Flashlight Mechanic


  • Level Design
  • Implement parts of scare mechanics and penalty mechanics



Week # Target Deliverables Owner
1 1. Basic movement for avatar  
2. Basic clue solving mechanics(only one)
3. Level design for one room
  • Brent Blihovde
  • Arindam Bose
  • Deep Ghosh
2 1.Movement and interaction design with polish effects(including flashlight) for avatar
2.One entire puzzle with clues completed
3.One entire level design(with 4 rooms)
  • Brent Blihovde
  • Arindam Bose
  • Deep Ghosh
3 1. Tweak movement and interaction design based on feedback
2.Work on polish effects(lighting, textures, sounds)
3. Scare mechanics and penalty mechanics implementation
  • Brent Blihovde
  • Arindam Bose
  • Deep Ghosh
4 1. Refining the game(Tweaking and testing)
2. Refining the game(Tweaking and testing)
3. Refining the game(Tweaking and testing)
  • Brent Blihovde
  • Arindam Bose
  • Deep Ghosh


Presentation Link:

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