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[Blue Barracudas] Moe De Gras Final Presentation


[Blue Barracudas] Moe de Gras G5 Final Testing Build

Final form of game for playtesting, just missing a few final touches before presentation. Controls are still WASD for the left side and arrow keys for the right side. All that is left to do is improve the user interface stuff (size, placement, colors, etc.).

[Blue Barracudas] Moe de Gras G4 (Alpha)

Red vs. Blue, but this is not Halo… it is an epic lawnmower competition! Note: This game is meant to be played fullscreen.

[Blue Barracudas] Moe de Gras G3

We, the Blue Barracudas, have made some important changes to our game concept in order to make it more achievable and more enjoyable.

[Blue Barracudas] Moe de Gras G2

Working Title: Moe de Gras Team Name: Blue Barracudas Members: idlapacjt, hedgehog, mjp14 // GAME CONCEPT Basic features: Open world 2.5d lawn-mower action game Two-player networked matches Time limit ends matches Winning conditions: One player cuts all their designated grass, or Time runs out and one player has more points Controls: Arrow keys :: Movement […]

[P2: The Moe Prototype] IDLAPACJT

PITCH (This is almost verbatim from my presentation.) Here’s the concept. Play as a lawnmower. Think Pacman but more freedom, more dots, and more fun. It’s fast paced. It’s easy to pick up, but it’s hard to master. Score points by devouring the grass. There will be power-ups, obstacles of various kinds, a time limit, […]

[P1: #GameFeel Experiment] idlapacjt – Moe’s World

In Moe’s World, there are two parallel universes. In one, we have Push Moe. In the other we have Power Moe. Cutting the grass has never felt so good! You’ll just keep coming back for Moe! Basic controls: Press “0” to begin Move with WASD or arrow keys Jump and double jump with space bar […]

idlacapjt – A2

I did some of the things. Most of the things I did not do.

Assignment 1 – idlapacjt – Lappy Explores

Lappy is a just an average everyday laptop exploring the world trying to find upgrade parts. Sorry I forgot to take the debug text off. I ran out of time after I noticed it. Also was not able to do random re-spawning objects. 🙁  

idalapacjt Assignment 0

Roll-a-ball and whatnot