Elemental Final Blog Post
The way we distributed tasks to members of our groups, as it turned out, was perfectly matched to each member’s skill set. Also, the way that the code was organized allowed us to develop interconnected portions of the game at the same time, with game elements being able to work together with very few bugs. This was accomplished by using the coding practice of coding to interfaces instead of implementations when designing how elements such as the campfire and player character interacted in the game.
Our original idea of implementing all four elements to play with proved to be a much more complicated task than we had originally anticipated. Also, even though we were able to build a good starter set of prefabs to demonstrate the use of elements in our game, we struggled to form our levels around these interactions. Finally, customizing the feel of our character to fit different level sizes proved to be a challenge.
Our minimum goals for this project were mainly to provide some kind of interaction with the element of water, a sandbox level to test these interactions in, and a basic player character to mess around with. We achieved these goals very rapidly and were able to move on to our achievable goals, which included building a single level with a puzzle to solve, a set of interactions for the element of fire, and a more polished player character. We were able to achieve all of these, as well as one of our stretch goals, building more than one level to play in.
Things we’d do differently
It’s been a busy semester, and finding sufficient time to get work done on this project became more and more difficult as we approached the end of the semester. If we could go back, we would jump into the implementation stage of the game much earlier. This would have allowed us to create a lot more content for the game, which would drastically improve the quality.
Final video
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