Team Bob Waters G3

Play BATTLEMAGE! Gather your spells and unleash their fury upon your foes!

BATTLEMAGE is an arena based combat game for two players. Each player invokes spells that damages enemies, create obstacles, and create buffs/nerfs. The goal is to reduce your opponent’s hit-points to zero!

Each spell costs mana to use, and to get mana back, a player has to pick up mana orbs scattered around the map. A variety of spells can be cast by combining different reagents, and the player must balance the mana cost of their spells with their damage/effects in order to defeat their enemies.

This game will have simple, cartoony graphics presented with a top-down view of the battlefield. Colorful particle effects and elaborate spell animations keep the game visually interesting, and carefully balanced spells make sure the players have fun!

The team has 3 members, all of which part-take in level-design, understanding code structure, and administrative tasks (blog posts, T-Square submissions, play-testing, etc.). Other aspects of the game development has been divided into distinct roles:
– Art Assets Developer
– Spell-casting System Developer
– Player Controls Developer

The development schedule has been detailed to have at least two meetings per week in order to conduct project development, discuss changes in game design, and updates on individual progress. Key Milestones include:

November 12th
– Player Sprites
– Prototype Map
– Movement Controls
– Ice bolt spell

November 19th
– Invoking controls
– 3 spells: EMP, Ice bolt, Null Field

December 2nd
– Full spell list
– Final Map
– Map assets

Check out our updated design document!

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