Displaying the most recent of 9 posts written by


Floating Trip[G5]-Team : Automata

Game Name: Floating Trip Group Name: Automata Team member: goillinois, techgamer Game Description: A boat is floating along a turbulent stream. However, there are lots of rocks blocking on the way. The goal of the player is to control the boat to pass through those obstacles without getting hit by any rock and reach the […]

Floating Trip[G4]-Team: Automata

Game Name: Floating Trip Group Name: Automata Team member: goillinois, techgamer Game Description: A boat is floating along a turbulent stream. However, there are lots of rocks blocking on the way. The goal of the player is to control the boat to pass through those obstacles without getting hit by any rock and reach the […]

Floating Trip[G3]-Team: Automata

Game Name: Floating Trip Group Name: Automata Team member: goillinois, techgamer We use italics to highlight the things we revised. Game Description: A boat is floating along a turbulent stream. However, there are lots of rocks blocking on the way. The goal of the player is to control the boat to pass through those obstacles […]

Floating Trip[G2]- Team: Automata

Game Name: Floating Trip Group Name: Automata Team member: goillinois, techgamer Game Description: An avatar sits on a boat automatically moves down a stream. However, there are lots of reefs blocking on the way and many monsters attacking the avatar. The goal of the player is to control the avatar to pass through those obstacles […]

goillinois – Game Feel 2

Game Name: Go Ahead. Player has to pass through a road and avoid being hit by the bullets flying towards him and also the obstacles on the road.

goillinois-Game Feel P1

I create two avatars in two different environments in this game. You can use 1 and 2 to switch between two avatars. 1 for the first avatar and 2 for the second. You can press g for non-game-feel polish. The first avatar is aggressive and strong: You can use either mouse or keyboard to control […]

goillinois -Assignment 2

I just implement the simple version. The player can start from 12 pixed points randomly and the target will change its moving direction when it arrive the point that server gives it. But I cannot update the score and check who wins. So sad

goillinois – Assignment 1

The goal of this game is collecting the earths placing around the world as many as you can ! I make my own terrain by following the tutorial online.At the start of the game, I generate 50 earths and put them in random positions. When the user collects the earth, a water drop sound would […]

goillinois – Assignment 0

I create this small game by following the tutorial online. I map the play ball with soccer ball texture and the ground with grass texture. I also create some simple trees and let them stand at the corners of the playing ground. Enjoy the game!