Final Project Presentation
During exam week, you will present your game, primarily by showing a short video (less than two minutes) documenting your game. You should also present a discussion of what worked and did not work, what you learned, changed and adjusted as you went along. You should highlight anything you changed since the final playtest, in response to what you learned during that testing (but remember, these should be small refinements and fixes to things like game balance issues: no new features!)
We will post a schedule to the t-square wiki showing which groups are presenting in which exam period, and in what order.
You will turn in your video, your presentation, and a short document that expands on your presentation by reflecting back on your design document, talking about what you managed to do, didn’t do, and what you would change if you could do it all over again.
DELIVERABLE: Upload all of your materials to the t-square assignment submission. Your video should be uploaded to t-square as well. You should create a summary blog post that contains similar content to what you will present (but structured as a blog post; do not just upload and link to a presentation). Your video should be embedded in your post. If one of you uploads your video to youtube or vimeo, and you want to embed that copy of your video in the blog post, that is ok, but please also upload your video to t-square.