FullSwing Final Build
FullSwing Alpha Build
Revised Design Document Title Full Swing Group Order of Zinglon ragnar – https://github.blairmacintyre.me/site-archive/cs4455f14/author/ragnar norigantz – https://github.blairmacintyre.me/site-archive/cs4455f14/author/norigantz cubs2bears – https://github.blairmacintyre.me/site-archive/cs4455f14/author/cubs2bears Concept A first-person game where the player has a grappling device. The grapple hook can act as a rope so the player can swing around objects and can also retract and pull the player towards the […]
Design Document Title Full Swing Group Order of Zinglon ragnar – https://github.blairmacintyre.me/site-archive/cs4455f14/author/ragnar norigantz – https://github.blairmacintyre.me/site-archive/cs4455f14/author/norigantz cubs2bears – https://github.blairmacintyre.me/site-archive/cs4455f14/author/cubs2bears Concept A first-person game where the player has a grappling device. The grapple hook can act as a rope so the player can swing around objects and can also retract and pull the player towards the point […]
Gunslide – Game Feel Prototype
Game Feel Experiment
Networking Project
Based on the 3D Physics Example, altered for the specifications of the assignment.
A simple Unity game created following the Roll-a-ball tutorial.