What we add: spells and 3 levels PRESS H FOR AWESOME SPELL DESCRIPTION The spells are blink(Q), stone gaze (W), and time froze(E), time froze only works on spikes. Each got its own cooldown time so be calculated! Press H to open your help page for description of spells Control is still arrow keys for […]
Play wondering through the maze to exit to win. Monster is now simply act as patrol. Time limit is on so you need to run as fast as possible! Control: Arrow Keys, Num 1 for Spell (Freeze) Have Fun! :p What we have done: Basic Maze Player can move and cast simple spells Simple Monsters […]
Design Documentation Team Name: Team Newbee Game Name: Chasing Fortune Team Member: davidscz, paintblade, squarehelius Game Concept We decide to do a 2D adventure puzzle game. The main concept is that the player can navigate through a maze, and in the process he will encounter monsters, who will attack him if he enters their line […]
Pitch My goal for the game is to get the golden kappa block to win. We have a time limit for 40s, since I try several time and feel that for new player to get the block, 40s is enough for the first or second try. The block on the ground is for jump boost, […]
Press 1 for the joyful scene, press 2 for halo scene.
Nothing much to say, I add the jump function but apparently it does not jump.. (
Enjoy the epic Halo Kappa Adventure. Ctrl to reset the counter and score. Use arrow keys!
Take a while for me to figure out how Ctrl+P works… I use the yellowjacket color with my own blog id within.