G6 Final Presentation – Scrap Daniel & the Sugarpuff Brigade


Space Balls to the Wall

In terms of what goals we did and did not achieve, we managed to achieve all of our expected target goals. We also managed to implement a few stretch features that we set as the high bar, so we were pretty happy about that.

What we implemented:
– Top-down, gravity/physics based space shooter
– Player controlled spaceship
– Planets with gravity fields
– Enemies for player to shoot at
– Enemies that shoot back + have basic pathing
– Projectiles affected by gravity
– Different types of planets

And our stretch goals:
– Player health determined by size
– Orbital strike feature (gain a stable orbit + right click to destroy any planet of any size)

All in all, we are happy with our implemented features and think they work well. The gravity, bullets, and orbital strike features all work as intended and seem to be pretty balanced based on our last playtest in class.

Some things that didn’t end up working out were different types of enemies and different powerups. It’s good we set these are extra stretch goals, because there simply wouldn’t have been enough time to implement these features given the amount of time we had to work on this project. In that regard, we feel that we set reasonable goals for ourselves to achieve, and we achieved them.

We learned many things along the way during the creation of Space Balls to the Walls. We learned that time management and efficient delegation of responsibilities is extremely crucial when working on a large project with multiple members contributing. We also learned that code management is just as important, and keeping consistent code style/commenting style made our project that much easier to pass back and forth and make sure everyone knew what was going on code-wise.

We also learned the importance of playtesting, thanks to our final in-class playtest. Our game was simply too hard given the current level layout, which meant playtesting was an invaluable resource because it helped it keep our game at a reasonable difficulty level so people could actually play it and enjoy it without dying every 5 seconds.

Since the final playtest, all we have changed is the overall level design, to make it more spacious and less hectic so people don’t die as much. We also added a few UI improvements for clarity’s sake to the instructions/controls menu. Other than that, our game is the same features-wise as it was during the playtest.

If we could do this all again, I think we would probably just get to work sooner and keep better track of what features people were implementing and when. The dynamic we had worked pretty well, but there is always room for improvement, and overall this project was a valuable learning experience for all of us.

Here’s a video of our game in action:

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