Castle Zombie Defense

Castle Zombie Defense
Team: Boss Racing
masterchief, baguettebaguette, bossman

Game Description:
The player is the wizard of the castle. As the player, you must protect your subjects from the Ebola Zombies trying to take over the castle. Use your trebuchets and mystical fire balls to kill the Ebola Zombies and defend the castle. Keep your castle free of Ebola Zombies and you win! If you let them overtake your stronghold, you and your subjects will catch Ebola and die.

Game Implementation:
1st person on-foot movement with rocket weapon
3rd person trebuchet control
Single player game vs AI zombies approaching the castle
Game ends when time is up or too many zombies have reached the castle
Rounds of play, you can choose how many rounds / difficulty in the menu
You can move between trebuchets to get a better angle
While trebuchets are reloading, you can use your rockets to take down zombies

WASD – Movement
Mouse – Look Around
Mouse Button – Fire weapon! (hold for trebuchet charge up)
Space Bar – Jump
Hold X to control Trebuchet

Minimal Features
Control trebuchet / mystical fire balls
Approaching AI zombies
Target Features
Trebuchet charge up to control distance
Zombies fire weapons back at you
Stretch Features
Ebola Zombies can construct their own siege towers
Equipping your subjects with their own weapons
Friendly AI

Work Division:
Trebuchet (3rd person) Control: Robert
On-Foot (1st Person) Control: Michael
Enemy AI / Scene Interactions: William

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