Week 2 (11/4/2013 – 11/11/2013)

Blog Post 2

Our plans for this week were to complete:

  1. simple player-bot collision implemented
  2. Collisions can stun opponents for a short while mechanic
  3. Refine mechanics using feedback from playtest


We were able to implement a collision and stun mechanic. Currently, we think that it definitely needs more polish and control. We are considering adding special effects, such as swirling stars above the crickets’ heads, to indicate a stun status. We’re also thinking of using a seismic wave effect to exaggerate collisions. We all looked into the feedback, and we are using that feedback to decide our next course of action. One of the feedbacks that we found interesting is the idea of speed boosts and combo counters. We will consider implementing this for the game.


The collision and stun mechanic still need refining. Currently, it feels lackluster. Also, we are figuring out an efficient and simple way of implementing 2-player functionality.


Everything is going as planned. We are going to use the feedback to polish and add additional mechanic to our next build.

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