Project Design Doc

CS 4455
Team Groose
Project Design Doc

Detailed Plan:
2D top-down arena/action-adventure (depending on scope)
Combat system that fluidly switches through multiple states based on user input
Combat /world that integrates aspects of the DBZ and Zelda universes(themes or entire elements, depending on scope)
Progression through loot dropped by enemies or level-ups from xp for killing them
Multiple enemy types

Feature Set Targets:

Combat using sword & shield and 1 DBZ power
Combat States:
1 Screen/Level
1 enemy type
spawns off screen continuously

Combat using sword & sheild and 2 DBZ powers
Combat States:
Flurry(attack spam)
Precision/Mobile(dodging/attack timing(accuracy?)
Aggressive (spamming ki blasts)
Concentration (using ki moderately&accurately)
Overload? (if ki isn’t used for a while could enhance melee with it or something, would drain ki)
1 Screen/Level with objects/obstructions
3 enemies type

All previous combat features (maybe extra states/powers/items?)
Add a skill selection screen to bind different powers to different keys
1 Dungeon consisting of multiple screens
Dash/Jump/Diagonal Movement
3-5 enemies and a boss type
Loot and/or level-ups

Milestone Feature Sets:
Combat w/ basic states against 1 enemy type with simple AI on a simple level
The game won’t be fun without combat, forms the basis for much of the ‘feel’
Is the combat system fun? How could it be better? Enough powers/attacks? More?

Fleshed out combat system, 1 enemy type with complex AI, on a nice-looking level(maybe some objects)
Make sure the combat is fun, balanced, engaging, and rewarding
Want to make sure there’s an ‘aha’ moment in combat, and that the enemies can provide enough of a challenge, check and see what improvements should be made for the final

Final combat system with all combat states on all weapons, multiple enemy types on a complex AI, one mini-boss using the combat state machine
This version should be a more or less final game, needs to be fun and engaging with a definite ‘aha’ moment
What features do we not have that people want? How can we improve what we have?

Weekly Schedule:

Week of 10/28:
Curtis: Establishing Sword, Power, and Shield States
Tim:AI for the trash mobs, Collision Detection for weapon attacks, Implementing health and damage calculation
Greg (The Groose):Level Design, Begin collecting sprite information/creating sprites

Week of 11/4:
Curtis: Combat system substates(sword,shield,power)
Tim: AI for advanced mobs, Implementing Additional powers
Greg: Finish implementing sprites, Work on advanced level design

Week of 11/11:
Curtis:Combat states for weapon combos(shield&sword,sword&power) & combat balance
Tim:AI for boss
Greg:HUD design, Audio

Week of 11/18:
Curtis:Combat states for Dark Link? more substates for each weapon and possibly transitional states
Tim:Testing, Higher level AI and Level transitions
Greg:Testing, Finish any high level decisions

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