Group Members:
In charge of the overworld
In charge of the underworld
Art assets & design, but still involved in the coding where applicable.

– The main character is trapped in a collapsing galaxy and must travel from planet to planet collecting dark matter in order to save the universe.
-The gameplay is fast and frantic, as you only have a limited amount of time to solve the puzzles in every level. The player is expected to do poorly on the first playthrough, but the game is designed such that it won’t be annoying to start over. It’s sort of the kind of game that you have to speedrun.
-The better you do, the more planets you save. Play the game multiple times to save as many as possible. It should make you feel like a hero!
-The black hole’s absorption rate increases steadily, but if you save a planet that slows the black hole down a little bit.

– Learning how to get through stages in the most efficient manner gives player a sense of accomplishment.
– Player movements are fast, and involve lots of pirouettes and flips. The movement should be bombastic. Pulling off certain combinations (hitting a monster just right, timing jumps and hovers, etc) will help speed you up for a while. Being able to quickly go through levels like this should be fun.
– Watch as the universe/overworld changes according to which/how-many planets you’ve rescued.
– Different levels should each have their own individual aesthetic and style of puzzle, making the player want to explore as many as possible.

– Move from planet to planet, rescuing as many as you can.
– Very fast pace

– Underworld gameplay takes place in a mostly 2-dimensional platformer environment. Should be designed such that the player has strict control over moving, jumping, and attacking accurately and quickly. Will contain puzzles, monsters, and secrets.

^ Basic structure of an underworld level. Left/right movement is possible. visually it’ll look 3-dimensional.

^Example of one of the underworld level designs.

– Overworld is a spacescape where you travel from planet to planet, which will be the levels that you can enter. Should be a smooth interface that lets you travel quickly. There’s an expanding black hole in the center which pulls planets together to their inevitable demise. If planets are closer that means you can travel between them a little quicker, but it also means that you’re running out of time. Rescued planets return to where they can be revisited as desired.

– The actual design of the main player is not decided yet.
– However, the kinds of movements it will be able to do are as follows:
Walking, Running, Jumping, Normal Attack, Charge Attack
Might be able to hover a bit.
-Attacks can have an air/sound theme to them. Attack using gusts of wind and sonic blasts.

Additional things to add if time permits:
– Alternate endings. Special final boss if you save every planet. (for example, a screaming terror could come out of the black hole if you manage to save every planet)
– Instead of having the dark matter automatically save planets, maybe implement a way that you can use them to save the planets directly while in the overworld.
– More planets. More variations of feel between different planets.
– Multiple protagonists to choose at the start of each play session? With different game feels.
– Powerups
– More extravagant puzzles/level designs.
– More variation in monster behavior
– Alternate outfits
– Useless visual flourishes
– Hilarious jokes
– Tweet your score
– Golf minigames
– Cinematic cutscenes
– Slug mode


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