11/25/13 Updates


Original goals:

Nov. 25th- Final Playtest
X-Power-up System and Three Powerups
X-Procedural Endless Runner System
X-Running Enemy A.I.
X-Rage State Implemented
X-Additional Power-ups/Enemies
X-Polish (sound effects, movements, particle effects, etc)

We’ve finished all of our initial goals aside from the levels, which we have decided not to worry about until we have the gameplay where we want it to be.
The following are additional changes we made based on feedback from Beta playtesting:

-Cthulu shooting bug fixed
-acceleration and bounds revised
-rage state changes(ink stream homing, widening camera, massive amounts of fish for extra points)
-red aura effect to show increasing rage
-running fish shake and sweat
-WWE style announcer and overall exaggeration of full rage mode
-paralax set up for background
-cake is eaten, not shot
-point multiplier for rage state
-intro screen art
-friendly cuttlefish
-powerup icons for top corner
-audio effect for cake eaten

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