Game Design (Dragon in Distress)


Game Plan

The player takes on the role of an adorably awesome baby dragon, who hasn’t fully developed her wings. The dragon wishes to ascend an ancient tower to obtain the pearl of wisdom left by her mother at its peak. She can navigate the tower by either jumping directly up into the air, gliding horizontally downward on her wings, or by dropping straight down–even in mid-glide. Furthermore, she can build temporary platforms to help her ascend the tower. Timing will be important in choosing when to begin gliding between the crest and trough of the vertical jump, to use a temporary wooden platform, and to successfully jump off of a temporary wooden platform before it disappears.


Expected Feature Set Targets

Low-bar: Baby dragon avatar which can jump, glide, and dive. There is a 3D tower with platforms to navigate to the top. Fixed camera.

Expected Target: Dragon can collect a wooden plank. When diving, the avatar can drop a wooden plank, land on the wooden plank, and jump off the wooden plank, to eventually land on a higher platform on the tower. The wooden plank disappears after being landed on. Moving camera.Dragon avatar that can move around the 3D tower.

High-bar: The dragon avatar is animated. Camera has delay when following the avatar. Dragon can change direction when gliding.


Version Feature Set Targets

Alpha Feature Set

-Avatar with jump, glide, and dive. Tower with platforms. Wooden planks that can be collected.

The idea behind this feature set is to establish the main controls of the avatar and the general simulated space that the avatar can explore. If the avatar is impossible or not fun to control there is no point to the rest of the game.

Beta Feature Set

-Avatar with limited animation. Wooden planks can be placed and used. After use, planks disappear. UI that displays number of planks that have been collected. Camera motion.

This is our beta feature set because it allows the playtesters to experience our Ah-Ha moment. That moment is really important to receive feedback on before the final build.

Final Feature Set

-Textures. Sound effects. Animation of the plank falling after use. Mostly polish.

This feature set focuses mainly on polish. It will improve the feel of the game in ways that really don’t impact game play. This was done because there will not be much time remaining to get player feedback. These items are less critical to get that feedback for.


The listed features will be completed before the given date.


11/4 Alpha

-Avatar with jump, glide, and dive. Tower with platforms. Wooden planks that can be collected.


-Wooden planks can be placed and used. After use, planks disappear.

11/18 Beta

-Limited animations for dragon. Camera motion. UI for wood planks.

11/25 Final

– Sound effects. Plank animation. Textures.

12/2 Final Presentation

-Polish from feedback.


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