Angry Cuttlefish Pitch


Group Members:

knight2rook ( – Game Architect and Coding

speedball ( – Coding, Meeting Minutes and Documents

mbradley36 ( – Coding, Art/Design, Turn ins

Title: Angry Cuttlefish

Target Experience:

“Undersea Arcade Gunner Slaughterfest”

Gameplay Concept:

You play as a cuttlefish attempting to destroy all other undersea life (except other cuttlefishes) to fuel her rage. The more rage, the more power and less precision. Additionally, power-ups will alter your weapon (rapid fire, single shot, etc), and missing enemies (or hitting a “friend” fish) will drop your rage.

“Aha” Moment:

Maxing out your rage meter, and hitting an awesome power-up such that you rain destruction upon all those around you.

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