Team Donkey Weekly Update

This is a weekly update log of what Team Donkey has done for the week of 11/05/12

What was Planned
This week, the main concern was to get the Alpha completed and continue progress on the project. Ahsul was to continue implementation of the banana bar such that it takes invincibility into account and more reacts appropriately when collisions occur. Anshul also was to implement start screen menus for preliminary presentation. John was to implement the particle effects for the collision with obstacles and the general avatar-movement particle effects. David’s job was to integrate media assets, mainly being sound, graphics, and 2D GUI elements. David was also to design and create multiple levels, while working with Anshul to allow toggling between these multiple levels.

What was Accomplished

Anshul successfully implemented the banana bar with its appropriate responses to player actions. John also has successfully implemented the foundation of the particle system, making sure they do not put too much stress on the game framework and ensuring they appear correctly (timing and appearance). David added in several art assets that add in new effects and/or improve the existing placeholder sounds. Additionally, David designed a few levels that were used in the Alpha build for presentation.

More importantly, the Alpha build was demoed this week and the team received input/feedback on the progress of the game so far. The feedback from the demo was analyzed and categorized, and it was determined where progress had to be made.

Moving Forward

The Alpha presentation was particularly helpful in determining what aspects of the game need to be improved. We have determined that the level organization, control, and the banana-bar are the main aspects of the game that will have to be improved on and fixed as to ensure that our game feels the way we intended. Anshul will continue building on UI elements, while David will take the feedback and begin to fix up the level organization. John will work with David in updating the controls to make it feel good. They will make sure all the control issues (in particular the jump-level temporary hack) are resolved.

All in all, we are looking forward to making continued strides toward our final build and excited to work on Banana Surfing!

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