It’s been a great semester, and the final game projects for each group are now posted. Unlike previous semesters, the final project was 6 weeks from pitch to final demonstration, which is a very small amount of time to build a game prototype (when you consider this is only one of many classes everyone is […]
As I’m reading through some of the game design suggestions, I found myself saying similar things over and over. While this is not a game design class, since you are designing a game, there are some basics you should know. Some are in the books I on the syllabus. But, they are long and I […]
I’ve run into a few proposed control schemes that really won’t work well in a web player, where the game is not played full screen. In particular, if you are using the mouse as a directional control (e.g., my avatar is running around, and the mouse controls the direction they shoot), you shouldn’t use the […]
Folks, on your Project3 feedback, I’ve been encouraging some folks to consider using an Xbox game controller for their prototype (and game design). I think an XBox usb controller works without modification on the PC; on the Mac you need to install a driver. I found a driver for OSX here. I’ve tested it on […]
Here are the two pages I showed during class today: And, to repeat a critical message for understanding and using the variety of Unity callback methods: MAKE SURE you carefully read documentation on each method!
I mentioned the Humble Bundle in class, which inspired me to go play one of the games from the bundle that I hadn’t played yet. The one I’d been wanting to play for a while is BIT.TRIP RUNNER, and I highly recommend checking it out and playing it with an eye toward the game feel ideas […]
I’ve reposted P2, and fixed the “duplicate dreamy” adjective that was on the list of qualities to aim at. I also added a few more to the list.
I’ve updated the syllabus to include my, and the TAs, office hours. I’ve also uploaded the slides from today’s class, along with the same Unity project I was poking at during the end of the class. However, please be aware that this is not an example of what we expect for P1, as described in […]
In a comment on the “welcome to cs4455” post on the blog, one student made a suggestion of the book: Unity 3.x Game Development Essentials, by Will Goldstone I haven’t used it, but I appreciate the suggestion! If anyone else has suggestions for Unity resources, please comment on this post, so others can see the […]
The blog has a Unity + WordPress plugin, so after publishing a game for web deployment, you can put the resulting file (in this case, bots.unity3d) on your webserver and point the plugin at it. Here, I use the following (put inside square brackets): WP_UnityObject src=”” width=”640″ height=”480″/
This semester, we will use this blog for the class. See the links in the menu bar to find the Syllabus and Schedule, the assignments and projects, as well as policies on collaboration. During the semester, you will post your projects to this blog, to allow other students to comment on them. You should create […]