Team Donkey Weely Update
This is a weekly update log of what Team Donkey has done for the week of 11/12/12.
What was Planned
For the week of 11/12/12, we planned to continue work on level-organization and updating the controls of the game to make it feel better. Additionally, Anshul was to get a level select menu working that would allow the user to properly choose levels and display the scores on them. Finally, John was to finish his work on particles and David continue adding in additional art assets.
What was Accomplished
Anshul has successfully added in the level select menu and it looks great. David has also integrated in the Xbox 360 controls for the various UI elements. John has also gotten the particle effects updated properly, so all of the effects are in the game. All 3 team members worked on various aspects of the “invincibility” state such as the particle FX, lighting changes, and gameplay effects.
Moving Forward
As we approach the final build, we will really be cracking down on bugs and things that we find in our game. This last week will consist of mostly testing and make sure our game feels good. David will finalize art assets and John will finalize the particle effects. Anshul will finalize the UI elements (locking in font size and selections, etc) and then we are planning to publish the final build later this week.
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