Weekly Log [10-29 to 11-4]
Planned Accomplished
- Collisions [ √ ]
- Light Patterns [ √ ]
- Randomization/Variability [ √ ]
- Song Mapping [ √ ]
- Boss & Boss AI [ √ ]
- Dashing [ √ ]
- BG Music [ √ ]
- Dash Meter GUI [ √ ]
Getting the beats music to match up exactly with the spawning of the bullet patterns. We think this is a frame-rate issue as the music is playing and is unaffected by any frame-rate performance but the game is. More time is needed to explore this issue. Doesn’t affect our road-map as we planned to take the entire development time to iron out any issues with the music timing.
Overall, we accomplished everything we set out to do for alpha and actually are slightly ahead of schedule since we went ahead and implemented a health bar.
This Weeks To Do
Keep polishing up and fixing any issues with the Boss, Boss AI, Music, Patterns. Health meter has already been finished. Mainly what we will have to add this week is the changing the orientation of gameplay and add powder-ups. If we feel like we have extra time we can try and go ahead with our high bar tasks such as shooting, extra level, or changing up the boss movement.
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