SmARt Car is an augmented reality application meant to be integrated in a car, in order to ease the interaction of the driver with the tools usually found in a car. It is made of several tools (GPS, tachometer, …) gathered on the windshield of the car. The utility of smARt Car is twofold: providing […]
OmniTouch: Wearable Multitouch Interaction Everywhere -Chris Harrison, Hrvoje Benko and Andrew D. Wilson Omnitouch is an interactive system that allows multitouch input and projected display on numerous surfaces. The system consists of a depth camera mounted on the shoulder along with a pico projector. The depth camera can detect multiple surfaces and the user’s hand […]
Exploring 3D Navigation: Combining Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting -Desney S. Tan1, George G. Robertson, Mary Czerwinski This paper is a study of existing navigational technologies for 3d virtual environments. The authors have studied and developed taxonomy of navigational approaches to enable future systematic studies. They categorize 3d VE interactions into task selection, travel control and […]
Project Report 2: smARtcar Overview: This time our focus was getting information about interesting places on the route the user is currently taking and displaying this information in Argon. We managed to get some interesting locations around the current location by using the geoNames API. We created virtual billboards of information and positioned them around […]
Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction -Robert C. Zeleznik , Joseph J. LaViola Jr., Daniel Acevedo Feliz, Daniel F. Keefe This paper describes experiments with two novel input devices named Finger Sleeve and Trigger Gun. These devices are based on the concept of pop through buttons. Pop through buttons have two modes […]
The Uncanny Valley: Effect of Realism on the Impression of Artificial Human Faces -Jun’ichiro Seyama and Ruth S. Nagayama This paper is an analysis and a critique of Mori’s prediction about the uncanny valley. The uncanny valley is a phenomenon stating that pleasantness or believability of artificial objects drops suddenly as these objects become more […]
Project Report 1 for smARtcar -by Gaurav Dhage and Gaëtan Coisne Current state: The first focus of our project is getting data from a maps API and using it to display visual direction pointers to the user in Argon. We have chosen the Google maps API for this project. We are able to retrieve the […]
Alice: Lessons Learned from Building a 3D System for Novices Alice is a project aimed at facilitating users without a technical or mathematical background to create 3D animated content. The original system targeted 100 undergraduate students without any programming experience. The system was developed iteratively by observing these students and their interaction with Alice. The […]
My idea for assignment 1 was to create a voxel editor. The image target would act as a grid for displaying the model as created by the user. A moving marker called the locator would be used to position each voxel. The voxel would be created at the locator’s position when a trigger marker was […]
The Task Gallery: A 3D Window Manager -George Robertson, Maarten van Dantzich, Daniel Robbins, Mary Czerwinski, Ken Hinckley, Kirsten Risden, David Thiel, Vadim Gorokhovsky In this paper the authors propose a 3D window management system that is expected to be the next iteration of currently available 2D managers. The authors leverage an art gallery metaphor […]
Scape: Supporting Stereoscopic Collaboration in Augmented and Projective Environments -Hong Hua, Leonard D. Brown and Chunyu Gao Scape is a project aimed at allowing multiple users to collaborate on the same workbench using different AR and VR techniques. The authors have used head mounted projected displays with stereoscopic views, data gloves and surfaces coated with […]
The Importance of Stereo and Eye-Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR -Roland Arsenault and Colin Ware In this study Arsenault and Ware compare results obtained from a Fish Tank VR eye-hand coordination experiment with previous results obtained by similar studies. The author’s claimed that previous studies showed contribution of head tracking based […]
KinectFusion: Realtime 3D Reconstruction and Interaction Using a Moving Depth Camera -Shahram Izadi, David Kim, Otmar Hilliges, David Molyneaux, Richard Newcombe, Pushmeet Kohli, Jamie Shotton, Steve Hodges, Dustin Freeman, Andrew Davison, Andrew Fitzgibbon Simply amazing. In this phenomenal paper Izadi and colleagues describe some novel approaches to 3D scene reconstruction and interactions with the scene […]
Pedestrian Tracking with Shoe-Mounted Inertial Sensors -Eric Foxlin In this paper Foxlin describes a 3D position tracking system not based on GPS but instead using inertial sensors. The system is compact enough to be able to fit on a shoe and provides reasonably accurate tracking for short distances. It can also work indoors. The major […]
The Argon AR Web Browser and Standards-based AR Application Environment -Blair MacIntyre, Alex Hill, Hafez Rouzati, Maribeth Gandy, Brian Davidson This paper describes the work of Prof MacIntyre and his colleagues in creating the augmented reality (AR) web browser Argon for the iOS platform. The main goal behind the project was to facilitate wide […]
Virtual Environments for Treating the Fear of Heights -Larry F. Hodges, Rob Kooper, Thomas C. Meyer, Barbara O. Rothbaum,Dan Opdyke, Johannes J. de Graaff, James S. Williford, MaxM,North The paper describes a first of its kind study of using Virtual Reality techniques for the treatment of a phobia. This study in particular describes patients studying […]