Displaying the most recent of 15 posts written by

Varun Thakkar

Geobased Memory Book

We feel closest to someone’s presence on sharing both time and physical space with them. So we tried to leverage Augmented Reality in the context of social applications by creating a Interactive 3d Photo Gallery. The application allows users to share pictures with their friends and family by uploading them at a particular geo-location. Friends can view these […]

Week 13 Summaries

Moving Objects In Space: Exploiting Proprioception In Virtual-Environment Interaction This paper describes the use of manipulation techniques in virtual environment exploiting the concept of proprioception, a person’s sense of the position and orientation of his body and limbs. There are three forms of body-relative interaction namely direct manipulation, physical mnemonics and gestural action. In general […]

Summaries Week 12

Exploring 3D Navigation: Combining Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting This paper mainly contains two parts which are the taxonomy of navigation techniques in 3D virtual and the Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting technique. There are several new techniques that have grown out of this taxonomy, including Object manipulation, Ghost Copy, Inverse Fog/Scaling, Ephemeral World Compression, Possession, Rubberneck […]

Project Progress Report 2

Spatial AR Based Interactive Storytelling Group Members: Mohini Thakkar, Samrat Ambadekar, Varun Thakkar Abstract AR based app to encourage social interactions based on geo-location. The app serves as a memory book reminding users of sweet moments they have shared with their friends and families at specific locations. The application helps users avoid boredom whenever they […]

Week 11 Summary

Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction A pop through button is a tri-state device that has two clearly distinguished activation states activated by pressing lightly or firmly on the button’s surface. They improve interactions in the virtual environment. The paper describes two input devices: FingerSleeve and TriggerGun The TriggerGun is physically similar […]

Summaries Week 10

Physiological Measures of Presence in Stressful Virtual Environment “Presence” is a measure of the quality or effectiveness of the virtual environment. Attempt was made to measure presence in ways which were reliable, valid, sensitive and objective. If the physiological responses were similar to ones in the real world would mean that the VE seems real. […]

Summary Week 9

  DART : A Toolkit for Rapid Design Exploration of Augmented Reality Experiences The paper describes the Designer’s Augmented Reality Toolkit. It summarizes the most significant problems faced by designers working with AR in the real world, and discusses how DART addresses them. It was a collaborated effort with new-media designers shifting from “AR as […]

Assignment 1

My idea is that of a racing game. The “real”would draw upon a number of features from this small demo application. I feel AR can be used in the next generation of games including board games. Right now it is demo drag racing in which the rate at which the car move is determined by […]

Week 8 Summaries

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games This paper is very interesting according to me, because it attempts at doing something novel. The motivation behind the paper is to formalize the design of AR games by coming up with various pre-patterns to bridge the gap between interaction and game design. The problem […]

Week 7 Summary

Paper Presentation & Summary for Week 7 : Here are the links to my paper: 1) Main Paper –  Scape: supporting stereoscopic collaboration in augmented and projective environments – Hong Hua, Leonard Brown and Chunyu Gao Here are the two related papers. The first one is relatively old while the second one is more recent compared to […]

Week 6 Summary

The importance of Stereo and Eye Couple Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR – Roland Arsenault and Colin Ware The term “Fish Tank VR” means a method for creating a small high-quality virtual environment. This paper tries to compare the impact of Stereoscopic Depth and Motion Parallax while touching, reaching objects in a […]

Week 5 Summary : KinectFusion and Going Out

KinectFusion: Realtime 3D Reconstruction and Interaction Using a Moving Depth Camera This paper discussed one of the most recent and talked about technology currently: KinectFusion. It reconstructs a 3-D model of an object or environment using the data it receives from the Kinect sensor. The depth data from Kinect is used to track the 3D […]

Week 4 Summary

Pedestrian Tracking with Shoe-Mounted Inertial Sensors   The paper describes NavShoe, a pedestrian navigation system which tracks the location of a person on foot. NavShoe provides real-time location data of individuals in GPS denied areas without the need of pre-existing infrastructure. The system makes use of an wireless inertial sensor which is small enough to fit into […]

Week 3 Summary : Argon

The Argon AR Web Browser and Standards-based AR Application Environment Argon is the world’s first Augmented Reality web-browser which contains a lot of information, superimposed on the view around. The highlights of Argon include multiple channels which are independent of each other yet flexible to design and integrate with ever-growing cloud of systems around us. […]

Week 2: Summary

Merging Virtual Objects with Real World One of the earliest and perhaps the most widely used result of live ultrasound is the visualization of a pregnant human subject. According to the current advances made and the work going on in this field clinical use of this technology is an area of intense research activity particularly […]