Displaying the most recent of 14 posts written by


Ruge’s week 13 summaries

OmniTouch: Wearable Multitouch Interaction Everywhere The Omnitouch paper discussed a prototype technology that utilized depth sensing cameras combined with small form projectors to create small usable interfaces in the real world.   The first component, the depth sensor was used to reliably determine the location of the users hands, fingers, pointers, and surfaces in the near environment. […]

Ruge’s Week 12 Summaries

Exploring 3D Navigation: Combining Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting This paper is broken into two separate tasks. The fist is to provide a basic taxonomy of current navigation and interface techniques used for selection navigation and control of the orientation and position within a virtual environment. The second task was using this new taxonomy, discuss a […]

AR Content Placement using 3D models and orthographic projections

  Matt Ruge Paul Plunkett PROGRESS REPORT 2 ABSTRACT We feel that Augmented Reality would be a much more useable and popular tool if resources didn’t require an investment of time, expertise, and money.  Our goal is to provide an interface that would allow simple augmented reality interfaces to be created in as little as […]

Ruge’s Week 11 Summary

Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction This paper describes the use of 2 new designed UI devices: The FingerSleeve and the TriggerGun. Both devices utilize a 3 state pop-through button, that gives these devices most of there advancements over more common UI controllers. The FingerSleeve fits on a the users index finger […]

Ruge’s Week 10 Summaries

The Uncanny Valley: Effect of Realism on the Impression of Artificial Human Faces This paper did not intend to discover the valley, as that was documented on earlier works, it instead sought to quantify its existence and better document what may be the leading factors. The beginning also applied the research from robotics into that […]

Ruge’s Summaries for Week 9

This paper discusses the modifications made and the objectives achieved in creating the the ALICE 3d authoring framework. The goal of the project was to create a 3d authoring tool that could be used with little to know prior 3d authoring experience. It was based in a modified python environment that manipulated common characteristics to […]

Ruge Assignment 1 – Pirate Map

Grading will be as follows: Display non-trivial 3D content (HTML and WebGL) relevant to your experience, in the space of the image target. (3/10) – Ring portal to look through. – Use of position, and 3d quaternion calculations to determine location and rotations Handle tracking gracefully, in particular when the image target or a marker […]

Discussion of AR design Principals

Questions for discussion. How would an interface design vary from a HMD to a Handheld device such as an iPhone? Can it? When evaluating the effectiveness of a AR interface, can/should it be treated as a physical interface, virtual interface or what kind of combination of those? Are computer displays and software interfaces the closest […]

Ruge’s Week 7 Summaries

A Practical Multi-viewer Tabletop Autostereoscopic Display This paper discusses a few of the technologies used to create stereoscopic displays that support multiple separate viewers without the need for user worn hardware such as glasses or head mounts. It begins with discussing the various existing technologies, focusing on the Random Hole Displays. The majority of the […]

Ruge’s Summary of Arsenault and Ware

Arsenault and Ware’s paper discusses the importance of different visual phenomenal in augmented and virtual realities. They spend much of the paper documenting prior works and the effects those papers observed. Specifically the paper discuses Motion parallax and perspective distortion. These were tested through performing a simple task and measuring the time it took to […]

Ruge’s summary of “KinectFusion and “Going Out”

The KinectFusion paper gave a detailed description of a 3d mapping technology based on the Kinect hardware. It provided use cases, explanations of existing hardware, and how the product would be used in an operational sense. Beyond that it captured the the mathematical and computer programming fundamentals that are pivotal to both its operation and […]

Ruge’s Summary of Foxlin’s Shoe-Mounted Sensors

Pedestrian Tracking with Shoe-Mounted Inertial Sensors This article discusses the procedures and uses for a proprietary location sensor. The sensor used is installed in/on a users shoe, and utilizes foot movements and orientation combined with various other sensors to not only gain a user’s current location, but track the operators movement as well. This is […]

The Argon AR Web Browser and Standards-based AR Application Environment

The Argon AR paper was designed to introduce and defend the use of the Argon Augmented Reality Web browser. It was intended to allow us (students) both a background and introduction into the Browser. It started with an explanation of AR tools and the pros and cons of each. These tools such as DART and […]

Ruge’s Summaries for Week2

Hodges et al: Fear of Heights, Schell et al: Theme-park VR, Bajura: Ultrasound, Hodges Fear of heights “Virtual Environments for Treating the Fear of Heights” discusses exactly what the name implies. Researchers (Hodges, Kooper, et al.) document and discuss the use of Virtual Reality to aid in the rehabilitation of those suffering from Acrophobia (fear […]