Moving Objects In Space: Exploiting Proprioception In Virtual-Environment Interaction Manipulation in immersive virtual environments is difficult partly because users must do without the haptic contact with real objects they rely on in the real world to orient themselves and their manipulanda. The paper describes proprioception, a person’s sense of the position and orientation of his […]
Exploring 3D Navigation: Combining Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting This paper describes task based taxonomy of navigation techniques for 3D virtual environment. Most Virtual Environment encompass more space than can be viewed from a single vantage point, it is very important for the user to navigate efficiently within the environment in order to obtain different views […]
Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction The paper describes a novel class of virtual reality input devices that combine pop through buttons with 6 DOF trackers. Following characteristics of pop through devices can be used to improve virtual environment interaction. Twice as many activation states available in the same physical surface area. […]
Main Paper: The Uncanny Valley: Effect of Realism on the Impression of Artificial Human Faces [Jun’ichiro Seyama, Ruth S. Nagayama] Reference Papers: The Responses of People to Virtual Humans in an Immersive Virtual Environment. [ Maia Garau, Mel Slater, David-Paul Pertaub, Sharif Razzaque] It is a reference paper of the main paper. It describes how the behavior of virtual humans affects […]
Spatial AR Based Interactive Storytelling Group Members: Mohini Thakkar, Samrat Ambadekar ,Varun Thakkar Abstract AR based app to encourage social interactions using stories. Instead of just listening to the history of every place, we think it might be more interesting if the user is able to add his own experiences and memories at the location […]
DART : A Toolkit for Rapid Design Exploration of Augmented Reality Experiences Dart is a toolkit for Rapid Design Exploration of Augmented Reality Experiences. The paper highlights the problem of why AR is not a medium yet and what are the kind of difficulties in an AR system and ways to cope with them. The […]
My idea is that for a game called “Zoology” where children can learn information about animals from AR Experiences. The experience is similar to learning new things such as identifying animal traits and relations among animals as one would discover either by visiting a zoo or reading from a bit. The advantages being it is […]
Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games The authors suggest that HAR technology can be used to create fun and compelling HAR games if the designers can correctly leverage users existing physical and social skills to interact with the system and with other players. So the authors summarize their experience in designing […]
SCAPE: Stereoscopic Collaboration In Augmented and Projective Environments. SCAPE basically provides multiple users with a shared workspace so that they can concurrently observe and interact with the 3d virtual environment while face to face cooperation among local participants is preserved. This allows the users to dynamically switch focus between shared workspace and interpersonal communication space. […]
The importance of Stereo and Eye Couple Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR Stereoscopic depth information is gained from disparities whereas motion parallax information is obtained when the user moves relative to the environment. Previous studies have shown that stereoscopic viewing has a large advantage in visually guided tasks but head tracking […]
KinectFusion: Realtime 3D Reconstruction and Interaction Using a Moving Depth Camera This paper describes the currently trending technology: KinectFusion. KinectFusion creates 3D reconstructions of an indoor scene using just the depth data in real time within seconds. However the depth maps are noisy and contain numerous “holes” which are dealt with by continuously tracking 6DOF […]
Pedestrian Tracking with Shoe-Mounted Inertial Sensors The paper describes the NavShoe system suitable for position tracking based on inertial sensing. Real world deployment of location sensors then required an instrumented or marked environment. The Navshoe system overcomes this problem by enabling position tracking without preparing any indoor or outdoor setting. It basically uses a miniature […]
The Argon AR Web Browser and Standards-based AR Application Environment This paper describes the ARGON AR Web browser, the first AR browser for iOS that supports most existing web technologies and standards. The dream of AR is to create an immersive environment in which virtual content is superimposed over the worlds view. Dr. Blair […]
Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World: Seeing Ultrasound Imagery within the Patient The paper describes how a small video camera mounted on a HMD can be useful for seeing ultrasound imagery within the patient. This approach basically merges virtual images with the real world view and can be extended for use in image guided […]