Assignment 1

My idea is that for a game called “Zoology” where children can learn information about animals from AR Experiences. The experience is similar to learning new things such as identifying animal traits and relations among animals as one would discover either by visiting a zoo or reading from a bit. The advantages being it is more visual, interactive and convenient. The items for the experience are: the image target which displays textual information and the animal object, one marker for showing animals and their corresponding relations with the animal on the image marker, and the other frame marker showing objects of animal interest like food, etc.

I have made a small demo of what could be a full fledged application. In my demo the image target has a 3D model of a Cat displayed along with textual information. On getting the frame marker which has a model of the Dog, the textual content near the cat changes and it runs away. This small demo shows the relation between cat and dog, showing how cats are timid and afraid of larger animals. This concept can be applied to any such AR experience showing relations between animals, how they get along and whose the predator and whose the prey.

There is a 3D Collado model of cat and Text information being displayed on the image target. The tracking is gracefully for the image target and losing it for some time does not adversely affect the AR experience. On revival it maintains the state it should be in hence there are no problems as such. When you zoom in on the cat you get a short description of the cat.   This information is dependent on how close the camera is from the image target and is displayed only when the camera is close enough.  When you zoom out normal game instructions are seen. The trigger marker is that of the dog model on top of it. It changes the text on the image target displaying relevant information of the relation between the animals, also the cat disappears when this marker arrives. The continuous marker is the one with the milk carton model on it. This marker when gotten near the cat affects its size indicating that cat feeds on milk. The content on the image target reacts to marker  and is reflected in the change in the size of the cat as the milk frame marker is gotten closer.

You could get additional details of the animal by simply touching the animal on screen. I have written the code for it but sometimes it shows and sometimes it doesnt. I havent been able to figure out if the problem is with the code or Argon yet.

Please use this URL for Argon2 display

Package for board map and marker:


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