Displaying the most recent of 17 posts written by


Arienteering: AR-based Orienteering

This project aims to use augmented reality techniques to create a new kind of orienteering. We implement a system on Argon to support the whole process of the outdoor game. The system can provide necessary information and some useful tools to instruct the players from the beginning to the end. Users can navigate themselves and […]

Week 13 Summary

Moving Objects In Space This paper tends to solve the problem about sense of touch in immersive virtual environments. It is important because users cannot feel the virtual world even though they can see and hear it. In order to overcome the challenges, the authors determine to use proprioception to build three kinds of interaction, which are […]

Week 12 Summary

A Survey of Design Issues in Spatial Input This paper is about a survey of design issues for free-space 3D interface. The issues are described using examples from 3D interface instances. The issues they study are: 1. Users’ difficulty understanding 3D space. In this part they mainly talk about that “using a spatial reference is […]

Progress Report Two: AR Based Orienteering

1. Target 1.1 UI Perfection and Navigation System Improvement This is the follow-up work of Progress Report 1. Previously we didn’t pay too much attention to the usability associated with the layout. Our main effort was put on how to functionally fulfill our system. The user interface was simply implemented for debug use. In this […]

Week 11 Summary

This paper is about a novel VR input devices combining pop through buttons with 6 DOF trackers. They present two novel devices. One is FingerSleeve, the other is TriggerGun. And the buttons they use are pop through buttons, which have two distinguished activation states by pressing lightly or heavily on the buttons. The shape of […]

Week 10 Summaries

Physiological Measures of Presence in Stressful Virtual Environments This paper is mainly about the quality of effectiveness of a virtual environment. The authors would like to compare physiological responses evoked by VE and its corresponding real environment. They carry out three experiments. The physiological measures include heart rate, skin conductance and skin temperature. The results are […]

Progress Report One: AR Based Orienteering

1. Target 1.1 Configure the coding environment Since we three need to cooperate online to work on the code, the coding manage environment should be configured to support download, upload, merge and other version control operation. We set up a  web server so that all of us can get and modify the same program with […]

Week 9 Summaries

DART: A Toolkit for Rapid Design Exploration of Augmented Reality Experiences DART, built on top of Macromedia Director, is a toolkit to address significant problems faced by designers working with augmented reality in the real world. Over the past years, AR researchers have done a lot of work to shift people’s thought from AR as technology […]

Assignment 1: Plants V.S. Zombies

In this assignment I tried to simulate a simple process of Plants V.S. Zombies. The program is not complex. It is just a test on whether it is possible to migrate the game onto Argon. I used its game cover as a reference image. When the device finds the target, it will display the playing […]

Week 8 Summaries

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions In this paper, the authors want to develop repeatable principles and solutions for handheld AR game design. Their goal is to share experience on designing and evaluating these games. Designers need to think about the new experience that AR can support, as well as the constrains and complexity of the […]

Week 7 Summaries

Tabletop Autostereo This paper is about tabletop autostereoscopic display and its real-time rendering method. Their system allows viewers to see a different subset of pixels through the random-hole screen. Its advantage is to provide stereo perception without having users wear glasses. Their work is based on a previous concept named “Random Hole Display”. The authors […]

Week 6 Summary

In this paper, the authors concentrate on the importance of depth perception. By reviewing the previous work in this area, they introduces the concepts of stereoscopic disparity and motion parallax. A lot of insights and interesting findings are collected here to help readers have a better understanding of these concepts. They also give an introduction […]

Week 5 Discussion

Here are the readings: 1.First examples of outdoor mobile augmented reality: A Motion-Stabilized Outdoor Augmented Reality System http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.prx.library.gatech.edu/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=756959 2.CAD model based tracking system: Model-Based Visual Tracking for Outdoor Augmented Reality Applications: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.prx.library.gatech.edu/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=1115111 3.Paper in Schedule: Going out: Robust Model-based Tracking for Outdoor Augmented Reality http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.prx.library.gatech.edu/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=4079263   Here are questions for discussion: 1 What’s the motivation […]

Week 5 KinectFusion

KinectFusion is a very powerful tool that can help users create detailed 3D reconstructions indoor rapidly Even though the concept of depth camera is not new in this area, Kinect makes depth sensing popular due to its low-lost and real-time features. This system allows people to use a handheld Kinect camera to move within a […]

Week 4 NavShoe

In this paper, the author introduces a navigation system called NavShoe, developed by InterSense. Currently, orientation tracking is not very challenging because earth’s gravity and geomagnetic field can help sensors make good judgement. However position tracking is not that simple. It has to rely on radio-navigation aids or some other infrastructure. The appearance of NavShoe […]

Week 3 Summary: Argon

In this paper, the authors introduce how they design the Argon AR Web Browser and what there application environment is like. First of all, the requirement of success is defined: All AR content is presented in one unified AR application environment. And a lot of so-called AR Browsers are criticized because they fail to think about […]

Week 2 summaries

Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World: Seeing Ultrasound Imagery within the Patient The paper describes the research work on ultrasound imagery within human body. It starts from a brief review of previous research about 3D ultrasound, which is a relatively safe method compared with other imaging techniques. Ultrasound performs much better in real-time data acquisition […]