OmniTouch: Wearable Multitouch Interaction Everywhere This paper deals with a shoulder-worn omnitouch system developed by the authors. This system allows to turn everyday surfaces into a graphical, interactive, multitouch input. It comports 3 components: a short range PrimeSense depth camera, a Microvision ShowWX+ laser pico-projector, mounted on a form-fitting metal frame worn on the shoulders. […]
Exploring 3D Navigation: Combining Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting This paper deals with the different navigation techniques which allow the user to see different view of the scene and interact with the environment. They built a taxonomy to categorized the different navigation techniques and expand the structure to design new navigation techniques. This taxonomy is divided […]
Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction This paper exposes a solution to modify the interaction, facilitate the navigation in Virtual environment thanks to pop through button devices which can triggered a set of different interaction modes. This technology compare to traditional buttons provides: -much activation states are available in the same physical […]
Variations in Physiological Responses of Participants During Different Stages of an Immersive Virtual Environment Experiment This paper deals with an experiment to test the variation os stress level in a virtual environment thanks to physiological responses. Meehan have shown that heart rate can provide a good measure of stress. The authors experience consist of evaluating […]
Abstract: We choose to implement a control of the map game which will be played on the campus. At the beginning of the game, each teams control the same number of point and there is at least one free point. Capturing this free point allows the team to capture the next ones and so one. […]
DART: A Toolkit for Rapid Design Exploration of Augmented Reality Experiences The AR designers are facing 3 main problems: There is no flexible programming environment, a too low level is needed for AR design but it is not a common skill for the designers, and 3D content are difficult to create. The technologies are difficult, […]
The idea is to provide a little game nothing to fancy. You are on leaves map and you have to catch a mousquito with a spider.The goal is display on the map, and a frame give you the distance from the mousquito when you are close to it, the mousquito is displayed as catch. At […]
The task gallery: a 3D window manager The task gallery is windows-like 3D environments which provides a desktop interface to perform tasks. In this environment the tasks are displayed on the wall, floor and ceiling. The user can drag the task and grouping them in different places. The navigation is contraints to no be lost […]
We decided to implement a control of the map game, you can play on your iphone or ipad. The goal is to control point on a map, we will use the georgia tech campus as the map and the different places for the points. The rules are simple: There is two teams and at the […]
A Practical Multi-viewer Tabletop Autostereoscopic Display Autostereoscopic displays give a perception of 3D without wearing glasses and allow to see different images when moving around them. There is 3 types of autostereoscopic display : holographic, volumetric and parallax-based. Parallax based display could be made with: – a barrier with holes. When both eyes of the […]
This is an article to those who want to do gaming AR and need some inspiration. The basics of the block by block seems to be interesting base on what we seen in class with Argon.
This paper explain how produce a VR environment with an accurate vision of depth and compare head tracking and Stereoscopic vision in the case of visually guided task. Stereopsis allows us to compute the distance of objects to the user, and this technique is useful with a high resolution screen. Motion parallax is the depth […]
Kinectfusion; real time 3D Reconstruction and Interaction using a Moving Depth Camera This article deals with the kinectfusion camera which recreates real 3D object quickly and with low cost. Compare to the other system kinect fusion is supporting both real time tracking and reconstruction, is faster, more accurate, infrastructure less and allow interaction of objects […]
The current GPSs cannot track the real position without prepare the environment with markers or instrument. The NavShoe device can overcome this problem by providing an inertial sensing. The NavShoe allows to correct the velocity error by applying a zero velocity into an EKF navigation error corrector when a foot is in stance phase. A […]
AR is becoming, during the past few years, a vision where an AR environment supports others AR content. This technology was difficult to implement in the past, but nowadays with more efficient mobiles, some application have been developed, but still provides some problems. Argon is an application which tend to give a high control, independency […]
Disigning interactive theme park: This article deal with the virtual effect of the interaction theme park “Battle for the bucanner” which submerged people inside a virtual Pirates battle on the High seas. Here the virtual reality effect is created by a motion platform board with canon and helm surrounded by big screens. The key is […]