Week 12 Discussions

Main Paper :

Exploring 3D navigation:
Combining speed-coupled flying with orbiting.   http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/365024.365307

The paper proposes a new technique to navigate through 3D work spaces. It makes use of both position and height to determine the velocity of motion. It also puts forth a technique to orient but the technique has it’s limitations.

Paper 1: Rapid controlled movement through a virtual 3D workspace.
Written in 1990 the paper in one of the early work on viewpoint navigation. It proposes a technique to traverse large spaces rapidly at the same time avoiding jitters and over shooting.

Paper 2: HoverCam: interactive 3D navigation for proximal object inspection.
The paper focuses on the target object and orientation and movement of the user around it. Unlike the main paper it’s orientation model can be used for 3D obejcts in a 3D work space.
The idea behind the selection of papers was to find papers which focus on both reaching the target object in a work space and then orienting the user intuitively. The first paper focuses more on reaching the target object and does not support a separate orientation technique. The main paper shows techniques to do both where as the third paper focuses more on the orientation of the view around a object.



1. How efficient is the use of surface normals to position a viewpoint ?

2. How important is it for a technique to be intuitive ?

3. Can we integrate Hovercam algorithm to solve the problem of overshooting in coupled flying technique ?

4. Would letting the user position various viewpoint in the world be more effective than zooming in and out ?

5. How important is it for the user to know the view from a position before actually getting there ?

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