Ruge’s Week 11 Summary

Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction

This paper describes the use of 2 new designed UI devices: The FingerSleeve and the TriggerGun. Both devices utilize a 3 state pop-through button, that gives these devices most of there advancements over more common UI controllers.

The FingerSleeve fits on a the users index finger and features 2 pop through buttons. that the user controls with his/her thumb. It contains a tracker that sits on the back of the finger and is used for aligning objects such as pointers and directional objects in the virtual environment.

The TriggerGun resembles a joystick and is crafted in a comfortable fashion with pop through buttons for the thumb and index finger. the tracker can be stuck where-ever convenient as long as it is calibrated. As it is made of clay.

Although looking at the interfaces can be an interesting avenue for research, much of the research applied for traditional video games would still apply. Although traditional controllers (until recently) did not include trackers, controller characters and objects through 3d space was a problem. Controllers with multi-axis controls and progressive response triggers have all been successfully used. I would like more detail on the “problems” that the paper was referring to.

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