Progress report [Control the map game]
We choose to implement a control of the map game which will be played on the campus. At the beginning of the game, each teams control the same number of point and there is at least one free point. Capturing this free point allows the team to capture the next ones and so one. The game finished when a team does not control any point or when the time is out. In the last case, the team that control the more points win.
Advancement :
The first part of our project was to examined the different technologies which will better fit the experience we want to provide, After investigating each possiblity we have made our choice and it is now more clear for us where we are going and how we are going to do it.
- We choose to use Argon as the mobile platform for our application. Argon can’t from now get images from the screen. We decided to send only 1 picture to know if our application works, and if the feature is added soon to Argon it will not be a big problem to adapt our application with this new feature.
- We choose to not implement the all face recognition system, but to use the open source API provide by Indeed we have tested their face recognition system and it seems to work well, this let us to more focus on the game part of our application.
- We are now implementing the java server and we are going to use the google app engine to run it. We are working precisely on the forms of the requests, we use javascript socket to connect to the java server and all the computation are done in the server side. The data send by the server will be exploit on Argon to update the map and the position of the users.
Next Steps :
- Finish the sever side.
- Building the localization module.
- Build the user interface on Argon using multiple pages.
team members:
Aurelien Bonnafont
Olivier Richard
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