Assignment 1

My idea is that of a racing game. The “real”would draw upon a number of features from this small demo application. I feel AR can be used in the next generation of games including board games. Right now it is demo drag racing in which the rate at which the car move is determined by dice throw . The dice throw is from a continuous frame marker and the numbers are random between 1-6. The car accordingly moves those unit of distances alternatively in the demo version. In the “real” experience you can imagine alternate dice frame markers or single dice frame marker while laying against a computer opponent. The other marker is a “power down your opponent” token which takes the opponent that many units in the reverse direction as the number generated on the frame marker.

Collada models of cars are used along with text on the image target. The tracking is graceful and a small amount of occlusion does not affect the overall AR experience or the demo in any manner.

The fixed marker can be used only once its presence will make the car go back ward. This is like the “power your opponent down” . This will take the opponent car back by the number of units generated in the frame marker. The interactor marker is the dice marker which generates random number on it for the movement of the car to take place. The position of the cars keeps changing according to the numbers generated. The camera movement affects the size of the car, the size of the car becomes smaller as you move your camera closer and increases as you move away.

Please use this URL for Argon2 display


Image Target:
Frame markers : or FrameMarker 25
Frame markers : or FrameMarker 26


Video :

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