Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Marker PDF:
The Real Experience
The idea was to create a more interactive environment to study chemical reactions and chemical bonds using an augmented reality environment. The students should be able to view chemical reactions in the form of an equation from a distance but can have a look at a more in-depth molecular level interaction if they get closer.
Trigger Frame Markers will be used to initiate reactions or turn them back. Interaction Frame Markers may be used to check the influence of other chemicals or catalysts on the current reaction. The application provides a robust handling of occlusion along with providing feedback.
The complete application will support all the chemistry laws. This will provide students with the ability to try “dangerous” or “random” chemical reactions in a safe and fun environment. The results of these reactions will be governed by our knowledge of chemistry as of today. Thus making an interesting and interactive experience in one of the hardest subjects.
The Current Experience
The current implementation successfully implements the following:
- Supporting equations and visual view of the reaction between 2 hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom that leads to H2O. If you go away from the tracked image, you will see only the equation but if you get closer, it shows the molecules.
- The system provides a feedback and robust solution if there is occlusion.
- The plus trigger mark initiates the reaction and shows the final result.
- The fire mark interacts with the existing H2O molecule. Fire is dowsed by water and water evaporates due to heat. So, if the fire goes near the water molecules they both shrink and otherwise they both grow.
Things that did not work:
- Multiple chemical reactions.
- Collada was patchy. It would work sometimes, sometimes it wont. It was not giving any feedback either as it loaded the Mesh successfully but didn’t show it sometimes.
- The scaling based on distance between marker and the image worked but it lacked polish.
- Place the image on the desk.
- Open Argon and go to
- If you are not focused on the image, you will be asked to do so. So ideally, please focus on the image while opening the link.
- Move the phone away to look at the equation or closer to look at the molecules/atoms.
- Take the “+” blue-coloured marker and place it in the vision. This will trigger the reaction. If you take it away, the atoms go back to their original position.
- Leave the “+” marker in view and use the Fire Marker to evaporate or increase the quantity of water by taking in nearer to the tracked image or away from it respectively. This also affects the fire itself.
Features Completed
- A 4-star rated trackable image of relevance (it shows bonds between molrcules).
- Non-trivial WebGL based atoms with different CSS tags identifying which atom is which element.
- Tracking is handled gracefully. Every 15th frame the app checks if it cannot see the image. If it cannot, the user is provided with an alert message requesting him to focus.
- From a distance, user can only see the reaction equation but as they get closer, they can see the molecules and their reaction.
- The Trigger Marker looks like a ‘+’ sign indicating it combines the elements on the screen. It successfully triggers (an animation of) the reaction and how the bonds are formed.
- The Interaction Marker looks like fire (on the marker) and a 3D attempt at making fire using the limited shapes of THREE.js.
- The marker causes the molecules to scale and scales itself based on the relative distance between the Image Tracker and Marker.
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