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Week 8 summaries

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games   The paper discusses about leveraging Embodied Interactions by using pre-patterns for HAR games. HAR games have started gaining popularity because of new technology such as Kinect and Wii. And one important question that designers has to ask themselves while designing for AR is what […]

Week 8 Summary

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games   Any problem with a new alternative technology is, that its development is lead by developers. The initial work and examples on it focus on the technical boundaries they are able to push. However, a problem that starts becoming evident as the technology matures and […]

[Summaries week 8]: Task gallery, Design Pre-patterns

The Task Gallery: A 3D Windows Manager In this paper, the authors describe their system, The Task Gallery, which is a novel 3D windows manager, focusing on the usability aspects of their system. Their work is motivated by the desire to leverage human spatial memory to allow for more efficient task management in contemporary computing […]

Summaries for week 8

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Game Today’s game industry evolves towards intuitive or AR games, which do not require additional skills from the player. This paper focuses on Handheld Augmented Reality (HAR) where virtual content is added to the real world thanks to an embodied video camera, and describes how these […]

Week 8

The Task Gallery: A 3D Window Manager -George Robertson, Maarten van Dantzich, Daniel Robbins, Mary Czerwinski, Ken Hinckley, Kirsten Risden, David Thiel, Vadim Gorokhovsky In this paper the authors propose a 3D window management system that is expected to be the next iteration of currently available 2D managers. The authors leverage an art gallery metaphor […]

Week 8

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games This study presents design patterns in Handheld Augmented Reality Games by adopting the lens of embodied interaction.  By identifying the underlying human factors, this study bridges the gap between interaction and game design. This study found nine design patterns as follows. Device Metaphors :  Using […]

Week 8 Summaries

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games This paper aimed to connect AR research and game design communities to help to improve handheld augmented reality game experience. The authors share their from designing and analyzing HAR games by presenting a collection of design pre-pattern for HAR games. Nine most significant pre-patterns which […]

Week 8 Summaries

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games The authors suggest that HAR technology can be used to create fun and compelling HAR games if the designers can correctly leverage users existing physical and social skills to interact with the system and with other players. So the authors summarize their experience in designing […]

Week 8 Summaries

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games This paper is very interesting according to me, because it attempts at doing something novel. The motivation behind the paper is to formalize the design of AR games by coming up with various pre-patterns to bridge the gap between interaction and game design. The problem […]

week 8 summaries – Hitesh

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games The paper talks about the research of design patterns and principles in reality based interfaces such as Handheld Augmented Reality (HAR) interfaces, which create embodied game play experiences. Being a fairly recent and evolving field, design patterns for HAR are referred to as “Pre-design” patterns […]

week 8 summaries

The Task Gallery   The Task Gallery is unique workspace in virtual environment letting users to be more productive working in 3D environment using working knowledge of human perception. The Task Gallery is a room shaped 3D application that lets users to manage tasks and windows with controlling virtual user in the virtual environment. The […]

Discussion of The Task Gallery

Questions for discussion: How could a 3D window manager like The Task Gallery be improved by using multiple monitors? In what tasks would a 3D environment aid in productivity? What design aspects of The Task Gallery could be changed to gain more benefits? Who is the target audience for 3D window managers? How would the […]

[week 8 summaries]

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games In this paper, the author summarized nine different pre-patterns that can be applied in designing Handheld AR (HAR). These pre-patterns are: device metaphor, control mapping, design for the seams, world consistency, landmarks, personal presence, living creatures, hiding/revealing information and body constraint. Those categories are extracted […]

Week 8

The Task Gallery : A 3D Windows Manager. In this paper authors introduce a novel window manager The Task Gallery. It makes use of interactive 3D Graphics to aid in task management and several other things. In this system user tasks appear as artwork on the walls of a gallery with the selected ones presented […]

Week 8 Summaries

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games Handheld Augmented Reality is a growing field and HAR Gaming especially is attracting a lot of attention. But there have not been an official studies or researches that formalize the techniques used to create HAR. In this paper, the authors propose a set of 9 […]

week 8 summaries Aurelien

The task gallery: a 3D window manager The task gallery is windows-like  3D environments which provides a desktop interface to perform tasks. In this environment the tasks are displayed on the wall, floor and ceiling. The user can drag the task and grouping them in different places. The navigation is contraints to no be lost […]

Shane’s week 8 summaries

Pre-Patterns: This is a design paper written about some design patterns for AR application mostly games in this case.  It covers nine patterns discovered over the production of several projects and games.  The first pattern they cover is device metaphors which is essentially using the software to emulate a common device that people already know […]

Week 8 Summaries

The Task Gallery: A 3D Window Manager Task management has several component: creating, locating and bringing tasks into focus. The task gallery is designed to meet the goal of task management. This is a 3D environment in which the current task is displayed in the front wall when other tasks are displayed and the floor, […]

Week 8 Summaries

Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions In this paper, the authors want to develop repeatable principles and solutions for handheld AR game design. Their goal is to share experience on designing and evaluating these games. Designers need to think about the new experience that AR can support, as well as the constrains and complexity of the […]

Discussion of AR design Principals

Questions for discussion. How would an interface design vary from a HMD to a Handheld device such as an iPhone? Can it? When evaluating the effectiveness of a AR interface, can/should it be treated as a physical interface, virtual interface or what kind of combination of those? Are computer displays and software interfaces the closest […]