Heights. Virtual Environments for Treating the Fear of Heights Hodges, L., Barbara Rothbaum, Rob Kooper, Dan Opdyke, Tom Meyer, Max North, Johannes de Graaff, & James Williford This was an experiment to use VR to treat Acrophobia – Fear of Heights using the method of Graded Exposure by taking the patient ‘out into the real […]
Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World: Seeing Ultrasound Imagery within the Patient The paper describes the research work on ultrasound imagery within human body. It starts from a brief review of previous research about 3D ultrasound, which is a relatively safe method compared with other imaging techniques. Ultrasound performs much better in real-time data acquisition […]
Designing Interactive Theme Parks The paper discusses about creating a movie/game like experience for the guests, specifically the ones that cannot be created in home environment. The discussion includes a short description of the journey of creating the VR experience. The main points kept in mind while designing the experience are: There should not […]
Designing Interactive Theme Park Rides The paper highlights the design, motivation and the relevant elements of virtual reality for an Interactive theme park game based on the concept of Pirates of the Caribbean. The game is targeted for a group of 4 users taking into account the usual user group of such theme parks. The […]
Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World: Seeing Ultrasound Imagery within the Patient This paper describes Bajura and his colleagues’ research on 3D ultrasound image acquisition and display and introduces two real-time 3D ultrasound systems developed by them. The authors first reviews previous work in 3D ultrasound technique. Since 3D ultrasound scanning system is not […]
Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World: Seeing Ultrasound Imagery within the Patient The paper describes how a small video camera mounted on a HMD can be useful for seeing ultrasound imagery within the patient. This approach basically merges virtual images with the real world view and can be extended for use in image guided […]
Merging Virtual Objects with Real World One of the earliest and perhaps the most widely used result of live ultrasound is the visualization of a pregnant human subject. According to the current advances made and the work going on in this field clinical use of this technology is an area of intense research activity particularly […]
Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World: Seeing Ultrasound Imagery within the Patient This study presents a 3D ultrasound visualization technique to acquire and render real-time ultrasound data and create a virtual environment based on that. When the ultrasound scanner took an echography image, the position and orientation of the image and also the head […]
Disigning interactive theme park: This article deal with the virtual effect of the interaction theme park “Battle for the bucanner” which submerged people inside a virtual Pirates battle on the High seas. Here the virtual reality effect is created by a motion platform board with canon and helm surrounded by big screens. The key is […]
Week 2 Paper Discussion: Main Paper: Bajura, M., Henry Fuchs, Ryutarou Ohbuchi (1992). Merging virtual objects with the real world: seeing ultrasound imagery within the patient. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Additional Papers: Sielhorst, T., Marco Feuerstein, and Nassir Navab (2008). Advanced Medical Displays: A Literature Review of Augmented Reality. Jourmal of Display Technology, Vol 4, No […]
Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World: Seeing Ultrasound Imagery within the Patient This paper is about a 3D ultrasound system for real time 3D volume data displayed within the subject, viewed with a HMD. Up to now, ultrasounds were used because they were the best solution since they are safe and real time, but […]
Designing Interactive Theme Park Rides This paper is all about a game available in a park theme and about choices of design. This game is a simulation of pirate’s battleship and uses 3D screens and 3D sounds to appear as real as possible. But it does not pretend to be a pure realistic software tool […]
Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World Seeing Ultrasound Imagery within the Patient Michael Bajura, Henry Fuchs and Ryutarou Ohbuchi The authors intend to design the “ultimate” system which acquires and displays 3D volume data in real-time. They focused their research in 3 areas: 1) algorithm for acquiring and rendering data, 2) creating a working […]
Virtual environments for treating the fear of heights This paper mainly talks about using VE to help acrophobia patients to overcome the fear of heights. Acrophobia, according to wiki, is an extreme or irrational fear of heights. By setting up a virtual environment and expose those patients to the virtual height situations, the patients is […]
The 3 papers below are attempts at providing psychotherapy using Virtual Reality. They explore the different VR approaches and types of psychological disorders that can be treated. Virtual Environment for Treating the Fear of Heights Larry F. Hodges, Rob Kooper, Thomas C. Meyer, Barbara O. Rothbaum, Dan Opdyke, Johannes J. de Graaff, James S. Williford […]
Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World: This paper covers an experiment done to enhance ultrasound imagery by over laying synthetic internal objects on real objects. Previous work had been done in this field and one of the main points studied is how to get the 2d scans and then how to translate the 2d […]
Hodges et al: Fear of Heights, Schell et al: Theme-park VR, Bajura: Ultrasound, Hodges Fear of heights “Virtual Environments for Treating the Fear of Heights” discusses exactly what the name implies. Researchers (Hodges, Kooper, et al.) document and discuss the use of Virtual Reality to aid in the rehabilitation of those suffering from Acrophobia (fear […]
Virtual Environments for Treating the Fear of Heights: The paper deals with a study on people suffering from Acrophobia, when subjected to Virtual Environments as a part of the therapy. Therapy includes exposing the patient to situations which induce anxiousness and allowing the patient to get over this anxiousness. This kind of treatment (in vivo) […]
Virtual Environments for Treating the Fear of Heights -Larry F. Hodges, Rob Kooper, Thomas C. Meyer, Barbara O. Rothbaum,Dan Opdyke, Johannes J. de Graaff, James S. Williford, MaxM,North The paper describes a first of its kind study of using Virtual Reality techniques for the treatment of a phobia. This study in particular describes patients studying […]
Shane: Virtual Environments for treating fear of heights: Basically they tried to treat acrophobia by placing subjects in Virtual Environments where their fear would be stimulated by the environment. They used a cluster to draw and render their scenes on a head mounted display and on external monitor so that a psychology student could observe […]
Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World : Bajura et al. In the paper Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World : Seeing Ultrasound Imagery within the Patient, the authors describe the implementation of their system that composites images slices obtained via 2D Echography (2DE) onto real-world video obtained by a mounted TV camera using […]