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TF2 / Occulus Rift

I was wondering how VR mode is handle in TF2. Normally, the mouse directs your cursor and the view because your cursor is in the middle of the screen. So I was wondering if in the VR mode the view and the cursor are independent (at least partially). I have found this entry on the […]

From GDC, a talk about “Why VR is Hard”

Michael Abrash gave a talk at GDC on “Why VR is Hard” in which he discusses head-worn displays for VR and AR.  I’ve mentioned Michael before, and there is lots of good stuff in this transcript of his talk that you should read! http://www.roadtovr.com/2013/03/31/gdc-2013-michael-abrash-virtual-reality-oculus-rift-presentation-slides-4415/all/1

Idea for AR games

This is an article to those who want to do gaming AR and need some inspiration. The basics of the block by block seems to be interesting base on what we seen in class with Argon. http://www.fastcompany.com/1313885/five-addictive-augmented-reality-gaming-apps

Some AR experiences for kids

For those interested in AR for kids, check out this mini-review of 5 AR things for kids.  (I won’t comment on each of them, they aren’t all great, but they should give you ideas). http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2013/02/5-uses-of-augmented-reality-in-education.html#.UReeo6XdbYt I will say, I like the idea of Zooburst:  not sure how I feel about the particular design choices or […]

Project thoughts

A few folks have asked me to suggest project ideas.  First, let me pull some text from the project proposal page from the last time I ran this course, where I said: You should consider these projects as mini research projects.  Simply implementing something that you think might be fun (like a game or 3D […]

Read Michael Abrash’s blog

I mentioned Michael’s Valve blog in class, I think it would be very useful for you to read the articles on it. http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/abrash/ I would suggest going back and reading all the entries (there’s only a dozen or so), as they have some nice practical insights into what it would take to create real AR/VR […]

Does Valve have a major role to play for HMD ?

http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/15/team-fortress-2-virtual-reality/ Valve is trying to port Team Forteress 2, an online game, on 3D glasses. What has to be known about TF2 is that game is used by Valve as a laboratory. For example, this is the first game of the company that implement micro-transaction (paying with real money for virtual items). So, if the […]

4D Art Park

An interactive 4D amusement park in Korea. The environment has hologram, 360 degree sound, Augmented Reality and avatar among others. Check it out on the link below. There are a quite a few interesting videos on the site http://www.thelivepark.com/blog/en/archives/category/live_facade

Primesense sensor at CES 2013

Here’s the link to the page with the video (also embedded below) for the primesense sensor I mentioned in class.  I personally think the “story” (if you can call it that) in the video is pretty pathetic, but watch it and consider each use of the tech.  Some are good, some bad.  What I like […]

Microsoft IllumiRoom’s Proof-of-Concept

I came across this interesting proof-of-concept by Microsoft, released during CES-13: In class today we discussed (or at least my conclusion of the discussion was) that 3D TVs do not really create a Virtual Environment because we do not really ever interact with it. But I guess it depends on what are you doing with […]

Welcome to CS7497: Virtual Environments

For the Spring 2013 session of this class, we will use this blog and the Georgia Tech t-square server together.  Any content that should remain private (e.g., grades, material that should not be publicly available on the internet, etc) will be put on t-square.  Please look at the pages (linked across the top of this […]