Main paper: Moving Objects in Space: Exploiting Proprioception in Virtual-Environment Interaction This paper described a VE interface by utilizing proprioception. Because of the lack of haptic contact, how to manipulate objects in immersive virtual environments is of difficulty. By investigating body-relative interaction, the author presents a set of gestural actions that map to grabbing, […]
Exploring 3D Navigation: Combining Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting This paper mainly contains two parts: taxonomy of navigation techniques for 3D virtual environments and a detailed discussion on Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting technique. The taxonomy is developed for better exploration and design. Firstly, based on the task category, ie the user’s goal to conduct 3D navigation, […]
Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction A class of virtual reality input devices is put forward in this paper. These virtual reality input devices combine pop through buttons to address the challenge of increasing the number of interaction modes without utilizing more complicated and obtrusive devices. Two different presentations, the FingerSleeve and […]
The Uncanny Valley: Effect of Realism on the Impression of Artificial Human Faces This paper investigated the observer’s impression on artificial human faces with different realistic levels. Particularly, the uncanny valley hypothesis is being investigated and discussed. By Mori, the “uncanny valley” refers to the period with decreasing pleasantness when the artificial human faces are […]
The Effect of Latency and Network Limitations on MMORPGs In this paper, several tests are conducted to help analyze the impact of latency and network limitation on MMORPGs (massive multiplayer online role-playing games). The basic idea of MMORPGs is introduced with problems addressed to this specific game type. Firstly, to operate such game, the network […]
My design is based on the game Monopoly. I enrich this fun game by mixing with Virtual Environment. This extension will help to achieve a better user experience. The items for this game are: a game board which serves the map, one marker for dice and several markers for game characters. The dice marker will […]
Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games In this paper, the author summarized nine different pre-patterns that can be applied in designing Handheld AR (HAR). These pre-patterns are: device metaphor, control mapping, design for the seams, world consistency, landmarks, personal presence, living creatures, hiding/revealing information and body constraint. Those categories are extracted […]
Scape: Supporting Stereoscopic Collaboration in Augmented and Projective Environments This papers talks about a system that supports immersive and interactive virtual reality with multiple users. These augmented environment mainly contains two parts: the microscene on the workbench and macroscene on the walls. Microscene The microscene is projected on the workbench coated with a material called […]
The Importance of Stereo and Eye Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR By conducting an experiment based on Fish Tank VR, the authors tried to investigate the relative importance of stereo and head tracking in visually guided hand movements. Stereo (S) or stereoscopy is a technique that creates two slightly different images […]
KinectFusion: Real-time 3D Reconstruction and Interaction Using a Moving Depth Camera KinectFusion is a system that supports high quality, geometrically accurate 3D model reconstruction in real-time. All it needs is a depth map generated from a Kinect camera. The camera is held by user with 6 DOF, which provide the data to compose a viewpoint […]
Pedestrian Tracking with Shoe-Mounted Inertial Sensors There are a bunch of scenarios when a navigation for tracking the location of a person is useful, some are for life saving (locate to rescue firefighters); some are for assistant (personal navigation); and some are for entertaining (AR applications). The author put forward a pedestrian tracking system NavShoe […]
Since the term augmented reality (AR) was first demonstrated, it rapidly caught the eyes of researchers with prominent future. Among those techniques that are needed for supporting a successful AR, how to put all content into one AR application environment is of importance for a full-feel user experience. The “AR Browsers” is one way to […]
Virtual environments for treating the fear of heights This paper mainly talks about using VE to help acrophobia patients to overcome the fear of heights. Acrophobia, according to wiki, is an extreme or irrational fear of heights. By setting up a virtual environment and expose those patients to the virtual height situations, the patients is […]