Exploring 3D Navigation: Combining Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting Navigation technique used inside a 3D virtual environment is one of the important aspect for the success or failure of the system. The paper discusses about the existing navigation techniques and provides detailed information about one particular technique called ‘Speed-coupled Flying with Orbiting’. Previous work in […]
Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction The paper discusses about two input devices called FingerSleeve and TriggerGun which provide some novel ways of interacting through a virtual environment. FingerSleeve device can be worn on the index finger of either hands. It has two buttons on the front […]
Variations in Physiological Responses of Participants During Different Stages of an Immersive Virtual Environment Experiment The paper discusses about a study conducted to measure the stress levels of participants in a virtual urban environment during different stages such as baseline recording, training, first half and second half. The experiment involved a virtual street with […]
The Effect of Latency and Network Limitations on MMORPGs Networked games have been around for quite some time now. One major evolution in networked gaming is their expansion from local LAN networks to global online gaming networks. And an important problem that comes along with this scaling is network latency. In a networked environment which […]
The idea is to create a visual representation of the target and then give the user the ability to manipulate the AR object by using markers as well as phone’s sensor data. The idea behind creating visual representation was to avoid the drawbacks of mapping content directly upon the real world target. Once we build […]
Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games The paper discusses about leveraging Embodied Interactions by using pre-patterns for HAR games. HAR games have started gaining popularity because of new technology such as Kinect and Wii. And one important question that designers has to ask themselves while designing for AR is what […]
Scape A 3D, interactive, collaborative, virtual environment is discussed in the paper. In this research an attempt to bridge the gap between virtual and augmented reality paradigms is met with success. This is achieved using range of devices such as Head Mounted Projective Displays, workbench, walled display, tracked objects in the room, magnetic trackers, DataGlove […]
The paper discusses a study which showed that stereoscopic vision is more important than eye-coupled perspective for visually guided hand movements. Depth judgment is critical while interacting with objects. Research in depth perception focuses more on depth cues and coupling the perspective is important for a VR system. A comparison between stereoscopic depth perception and […]
Tracking of users using systems like GPS has many useful applications. However it also suffers from issues like inaccuracy in exact positioning and uncertainty of the exact path being and to be followed by the user. The paper discusses an approach towards pedestrian tracking using shoe-mounted inertial sensors. The NavShoe concept performs robust tracking with […]
With a short discussion about Augmented Reality (AR) and previous work in the field the paper discusses about web based AR. One of the challenges for AR as a field is the hardware requirements. However, with the development of smart phones with hardware such as camera, GPS, orientation sensors, etc coupled with the ubiquity of […]
An interactive 4D amusement park in Korea. The environment has hologram, 360 degree sound, Augmented Reality and avatar among others. Check it out on the link below. There are a quite a few interesting videos on the site http://www.thelivepark.com/blog/en/archives/category/live_facade
Designing Interactive Theme Parks The paper discusses about creating a movie/game like experience for the guests, specifically the ones that cannot be created in home environment. The discussion includes a short description of the journey of creating the VR experience. The main points kept in mind while designing the experience are: There should not […]