Final Project post by: Andy Pruett, Anshul Bhatnagar and Mukul Sati Overview and Lessons Learnt: Our project was aimed at using AR to enhance the experience of viewing and interacting with large art-work such as murals and graffiti. Using natural image tracking for images of these sizes presents substantial challenges that we sought to solve, […]
Moving Objects In Space: Exploiting Proprioception In Virtual-Environment Interaction Working in a virtual environment with lasers and other pointing and manipulation tools is not as convincing as they were imagined. Pointing methods is tiring and hard to use. This is because of lack of haptic feedback. So the authors propose to use the user himself […]
A Survey of Design Issues in Spatial Input The paper addresses the issues designers should consider and lists a set of design principles for designing interfaces for virtual environments. 3D interaction space is very different to the 2D space we use in everyday computing. The authors combine the information from their experiences and tests with […]
Pop through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction The paper discusses 2 input devices to navigate and interact with the virtual world. The Trigger Gun and the Finger Sleeve both have pop through buttons which can support 2 activation states depending on the pressure applied. Combined with the off-state, they provide 3 states. The […]
Variations in Physiological Responses of Participants During Different Stages of an Immersive Virtual Environment Experiment The authors intend to analyze the various levels of immersion a participant goes through during an immersive virtual experience. To analyze the subjects, they use electro-dermal activity (EDA), Heart Rate (HR) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) as measures. They also […]
The Effect of Latency and Network Limitations on MMORPGs (A Field Study of Everquest 2) MMORPGs have been picking up a lot of traction over the past decade thanks to the increase in bandwidth and other technology advances. They require the ability to support a huge world and an extremely large number of players at […]
Assignment 1 Link: Marker PDF: The Real Experience The idea was to create a more interactive environment to study chemical reactions and chemical bonds using an augmented reality environment. The students should be able to view chemical reactions in the form of an equation from a distance but can have a look at a […]
Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games Handheld Augmented Reality is a growing field and HAR Gaming especially is attracting a lot of attention. But there have not been an official studies or researches that formalize the techniques used to create HAR. In this paper, the authors propose a set of 9 […]
A Practical Multi-viewer Tabletop Autostereoscopic Display The authors introduce a multi-user autostereoscopic tabletop display and its associated real-time rendering methods. They use the “Random Hole Display” design that modified the pattern of openings in a barrier mounted in front of a flat panel display from thin slits to a dense pattern of tiny, pseudo-randomly placed […]
The Importance of Stereo and Eye Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR This study was done to examine the effects of correct versus incorrect perspective and stereoscopic depth for visually guided reaching. They were also interested in the adaptation that might occur when subjects changed their viewpoint when head tracking was turned […]
Week 5 KinectFusion KinectFusion is an awesome tool for 3D surface reconstruction using the Kinect camera. It works in real-time, reconstructing and storing all the depth information it gets. The depth maps are a little noisy but there are optimizations to overcome those issues. Depth cameras have been around for a while but Kinect made […]
The authors propose a tracking technology for the real world applications of MR. Computer Vision algorithms are being looked at as the ultimate solution to the tracking problem but there are a lot of complexities involved with it and they are not mature enough to be successful alone. The other alternative is inertial sensors. He […]
The authors believe that we never really had a unified immersive AR application environment and thus it needed to be addressed. They draw analogies from the days when 2d-Desktops with 3D displays will coming along and map them to the AR world. The advancement in mobile technology, both software and hardware was a good starting […]
Merging Virtual Objects with the Real World Seeing Ultrasound Imagery within the Patient Michael Bajura, Henry Fuchs and Ryutarou Ohbuchi The authors intend to design the “ultimate” system which acquires and displays 3D volume data in real-time. They focused their research in 3 areas: 1) algorithm for acquiring and rendering data, 2) creating a working […]
The 3 papers below are attempts at providing psychotherapy using Virtual Reality. They explore the different VR approaches and types of psychological disorders that can be treated. Virtual Environment for Treating the Fear of Heights Larry F. Hodges, Rob Kooper, Thomas C. Meyer, Barbara O. Rothbaum, Dan Opdyke, Johannes J. de Graaff, James S. Williford […]
I came across this interesting proof-of-concept by Microsoft, released during CES-13: In class today we discussed (or at least my conclusion of the discussion was) that 3D TVs do not really create a Virtual Environment because we do not really ever interact with it. But I guess it depends on what are you doing with […]