Week 11 Summary
Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction
The paper presents the design of two interaction devices, The TriggerGun and FingerSleeve. The FingerSleeve device uses pop through buttons, a 6 DOF tracker that is to be activated by pressing lightly or firmly on the button’s surface. The TriggerGun has two pop through buttons that are embedded into a clay frame. One button is triggered by index figure and the other one is mounted at a 45 degree angle on top of the frame for thumb activation.
The study presents three navigation techniques to explore the impact of pop through interaction devices; ZoomBack is a technique to enable users to select a target point on a surface of an object on a virtual environment. LaserGrab, is a technique, allowing users to select a target point on an object surface with a virtual laser point with considering a relative distance between users and objects. Snapshot techniques is used for taking pictures from within a virtual environment.
To test the device, they incorporated the FingerSleeve into CavePainting. The results show using FingerSleeve device helped with avoiding ergonomic problems while providing more functions compared with Pinch glove.
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