Week 11 Summary
Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction:
This paper focuses on two devices designed for virtual environment navigation and interaction. One of the devices the FingerSleeve is worn on the index finger and has two pop-through buttons, buttons that can register both light pressure and heavy pressure, that are activated with the users thumb. The other device the TriggerGun is a joystick looking device that has pop-through buttons attached so that the thumb can activate one and the index finger can activate the other. With both of the devices trackers are used so that movement of the device is reflected with the tasks in the virtual environment. It seemed like the inclusion of the pop-through button with its two activation states was a big part of the project but I immediately thought that two states seemed small compared to what you could do with a progressive trigger. However they did get good results working with the devices in applications and took a step in the right direction moving from a full glove to something that can be worn on just a finger.
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