Week 11 Summary
This paper is about a novel VR input devices combining pop through buttons with 6 DOF trackers. They present two novel devices. One is FingerSleeve, the other is TriggerGun. And the buttons they use are pop through buttons, which have two distinguished activation states by pressing lightly or heavily on the buttons.
The shape of TriggerGun is just like a flight joystick. They take advantages of the design features of flight joystick to tweak the device’s variations in response to controlling of users. And the difference they make is to equip a 6 DOF magnetic tracker at the back. The two buttons on it are controlled by index finger and thumb finger.
Finger Sleeve is a device worn on the index finger. There are also two pop through buttons. One is used as trigger, and the other for thumb activation. This design aims at creating comfortable devices for users. So the button size and placement are important features to be considered.
These devices allow users to perform Zoomback, LaserGrab and Snapshot functions. Zoomback enables users to select a target point on the surface of an object in virtual space with a virtual laser pointer and automatically translated there. LaserGrab functions similarly but the users will not be automatically translated. Snapshot enables users to take pictures within a virtual environment.
Later the authors give an example on how the devices work in real application. They use FingerSleeve in an artistic tool called CavePainting so that artists can control color picking , resizing brush, translating the world and toggling scaling mode on or off, as well as some extra functions contributed by FingerSleeve.
Question:Since the devices are wired, is it possible to use them outdoors?
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