Week 11 Summary
Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction
This paper explores how pop through buttons could be used in virtual reality input devices. Using pop through buttons, the authors utilize the finger pressure to address the challenge of increasing the number of easily activated hand interaction modes that required by virtual environment applications.
The authors then introduce two input device prototypes, the TriggerGun and the FingerSleeve, which combine pop through button and 6 DOF magnetic trackers. The TriggerGun is physically similar to commercial flight control-based joysticks. It has two pop through buttons, one for index finger and the other for thumb. The FingerSleeve is a device that can be worn on the index finger, which mounts two small pop through buttons which could be pressed by thumb. The tracker is on the back of the sleeve.
The impact of pop through interaction devices is explored in virtual environment navigation task. The authors introduce two navigation techniques they developed, the ZoomBack and the LaserGrab, which are designed to benefit from the capabilities of pop through buttons. Using ZoomBack, the users can translate themselves by lightly press the button and then they can either confirm the translation by firmly pressing the button or get back by releasing the button. LaserGrab allow user to control the distance they want to translate using the distance between his hand and his head. The firmly pressing is used to trigger an orbital mode in which user can orbit about the selected target point. Beside navigation, the authors also develop a snapshot interaction using the pop through button. They also explore the impact of pop through devices by applying them into a virtual environment application called CavePainting.
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