week 10 summaries

Variations in Physiological Responses of Participants During Different Stages of an Immersive Virtual Environment Experiment

This paper deals with an experiment to test the variation os stress level in a virtual environment thanks to physiological responses.

Meehan have shown that heart rate can provide a good measure of stress. The authors experience consist of evaluating the HR in a street virtual environment. The VE is a CAVE-like environment and subjects can navigate in it thanks to a joystick. During the experiment, thetexture quality and the visual aspect of the characters are modify.

The results show that the mental stress increase before starting and then decrease dureing the 1st half of the experiment. The physical stress decrease during the experiment because the subjects are using the joystick to move in the environment.

During the second half of the experiment the mental and physical stress increase, the subjects seems to find some limitation and maybe the absence of interaction with the other characters disturb them. A lower feeling of presence is noticed when the subjects find some weakness in it.

Finally the experiment has shown the HRV can be a good measure for presence in virtual environment. More over the stress appear when the subjects don’t what is going to happened and when they find a lack of consistency in the evironment.


The Uncanny Valley: Effect of Realism on the Impression of Artificial Human Faces

This paper explain how people feel pleasant when they are looking at a virtual human face. It also point out a phenomenon call the uncanny valley which appear when the virtual face is very close the reality but not enough perfect and make pleasantness fall down.

The experiment consists of subjects who are looking to virtual face becoming more and more human.

The first experiment with a low resolution display no uncanny valley.

The experiment 2 with better resolution consists of firstly growing the eyes and after change the head gradually to human face. A peak was found at the middle of the experiment.

The experiment 3 confirm that abnormal eyes size couple with realistic human faces is unpleasant but this unpleasantness could also comes from the appearant age of the virtual face.

The experiment 4 show that eye size is clearly a factor of unpleasantness when face become more realistic and this phenomenon is more likely due to the knowledge of each human about the satistical distribution of human eye’s size.


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