Assignment 1
The idea is to create a visual representation of the target and then give the user the ability to manipulate the AR object by using markers as well as phone’s sensor data.
The idea behind creating visual representation was to avoid the drawbacks of mapping content directly upon the real world target. Once we build a basic structure that represents the target, more content can be added without worrying much about mapping.
As new targets are added, it builds up on the basic structure. The visual elements will interact with each other based upon whether or not markers are in focus and also upon what all other elements are already being displayed.
Key design points: The visual representation of the system should effectively represent important aspects of the target. It is not necessary to exactly map the target but it is important that the user is not confused by the representation.
I implemented a basic representation of target using CSS and WebGL objects. When the first marker is added target gets activated and performs some basic manipulations. When the second frame marker is added the control of the target is transferred directly to the user i.e. mapped on to his phone. The orientation of the target can now be changed by changing the phone’s orientation. When the first marker is added again the target rotates based upon the last orientation.
Argon URL:
Image Target:
Frame Markers: 24 and 25
Video URL:
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