Assignment 1 – Croquet Reloaded
A simple game of Croquet, modified for continuous interaction. The aim is to pass the ball through the hoop at the other end. You have 3 colored balls which get triggered by 3 frame markers. By moving the frame marker left/right you can control the direction of the ball. Will you fail or succeed?
1. Initital Setup: One image target, which on getting tracked shows the setup of the game. It reveals a cylindrical hoop at the far end of the ground and 3 colored balls (red, green, blue) at the starting line. 4 WebGL objects (1 hollow cylinder and 3 spheres are TrackedObjects to the image target).
2. Custom Image target with 4 star rating.
3. Content on the image target reacting to the camera: You can zoom into the center of the board to reveal a tooltip (CSSObject) that explains the concept of the game. Once, you have read the hint, you can zoom out, which will hide the tooltip.
4. Frame Marker as a trigger: Three frame markers control a colored ball each. For example, on tracking the Red Sphere marker, the red ball gets activated and starts moving towards the other end.
5. Frame Marker as a continuous interactor: The frame marker doubles up as a continuous interactor. By moving the Red frame marker, left or right, you can control the direction of the ball and direct it to its destination – the Croquet hoop!
Experience URL:
Image Tracker:
Frame Markers:
Youtube URL:
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