Assignment 1
My idea for assignment 1 was to create a voxel editor. The image target would act as a grid for displaying the model as created by the user. A moving marker called the locator would be used to position each voxel. The voxel would be created at the locator’s position when a trigger marker was present in the scene. I eventually envision a Autodesk Mudbox like environment for 3D sculpting with markers on each finger for different modelling functions. So far the different parts of the project work in isolation but there are location errors in the placement of the voxels. The coordinates for the frame markers and those for the image markers are on a different matrix system. I am not sure as to whether this is a permanent feature of Argon and hence has to be overcome on the developer side or something that will be fixed later on. As of now the voxel editor makes seemingly random models based on the absence/ presence of the markers.
The project can be found at:
Markers can be downloaded and printed from:
Lastly a video of the project can be found on:
1) Place the image of lamps on a stable surface like a table
2) Load the project URL in Argon
3) Place the frame marker 24 over the image.
4) Bring the frame marker 12 into view and remove to place a voxel
You may have to move the camera around to see the voxel because of relative misalignment with the lamp image.
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