[Argon] Assignement 1

Assignment 1 : Motherboard and processor.

My idea is to use Argon to help technician while assembling computer. Indeed, for a given motherboard, only a set of processor can be put on it. Then, if both board and processor can be identified by computer vision, an augmented reality device can be designed to provide feedback.

In a first time, the motherboard have to be seen by the Argon device. Then you need to activate the motherboard by putting on it the Active marker. If the system has seen both board and active marker, the information displayed on the motherboard should have a green background. Then, if the system detect the proc, it will displayed the distance between it and the active marker.

I only display the distance between the trigger marker and the continuous marker because this is the only accurate distance I succeed to compute. Indeed, when I try to compute the distance between the image and the marker, I get a fantasist result.I did not find why.

I only display a simple rectangular content for the continuous marker. I tried to display 3D text using THREE.3DTextGeometry but Argon crash when I do that. If someone has succeed doing that, I am interesting in seeing the code.

There are some randoms errors. To make my project works you have to retries several times or restart Argon if that happens. I did not find why that happens.

I provide two URL : one with a console and one without. If nothing happens, just use the console-version and restart until there is no error. Sounds barbar but I think there is no error in my code.


TL, DR :

console-version :

console-free-version :

images :

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