week 8 summaries Aurelien
The task gallery: a 3D window manager
The task gallery is windows-like 3D environments which provides a desktop interface to perform tasks.
In this environment the tasks are displayed on the wall, floor and ceiling. The user can drag the task and grouping them in different places. The navigation is contraints to no be lost in the space.
Users can create new tasks in a 3 step animation, influence by users experiences. A loose stack and an ordered stack allow to select a window, when window is selected it is bring close to the user for better legibility and toolbar follow the user as in move in the space.
The authors have carried diffent tests to better know how user behave and act in the environment and then use the results for future design. The goal of the 2 fisrt tests is to better understand how people fell in the environment while the third test is carried to know how user handle tasks. These experiments provides new ideas for a new design which will enhance the metaphor.
Is this technology really useful? Could the same type of technologies enhance computer games interface?
Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games
HAR games is a growing field and the new HAR designer hace to find the constraints and the features an HAR has to provide to enhance the Augmented realit games.
The authors tend to share their experiences and what they learnt on HAR games by displaying 9 pre-pattern for HAR game design. Design patterns give a summary of the succesful current knowledge in the discipline for the entire community of HAR game designer. These patterns are create through discussion between researchers specialized on this field.
The different patterns provided are:
-Device Metaphors which support that the handheld device has to be seen as a familiar objects to ease the grip.
-The Control mapping argue that the physical action with the handheld device should be well map in the game to be more intuitive.
-Seamful design which suggest to overcome the problem of the tracking technology by installing constraints and react in case of failure.
-World consistency must be provided by respecting the physical laws and properties of the real world.
-Landmarks which serves as point of reference for the user, who can use them for locating important place.
-Living creatures make the user believe that they really interact and live in the environment.
-Increase the personal presence like in a FPS or a srategy game when you act like GOD.
-Add body constraint in the game, when a player move his position constraint the space of the other users.
-Keep some information hidden from other user to enhance the suspens.
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