Discussion of AR design Principals
Questions for discussion.
How would an interface design vary from a HMD to a Handheld device such as an iPhone? Can it?
When evaluating the effectiveness of a AR interface, can/should it be treated as a physical interface, virtual interface or what kind of combination of those?
Are computer displays and software interfaces the closest interfaces to AR. Are other other realms equally important? ergonomics, mobile computing?
The HCI paper discusses cognitive load related with providing ‘superhuman’ information or senses to people. Is this a problem with simpler AR interfaces? Could this become a problem with something like Argon?
Most of the principals discussed deal heavily with the visual aspects of AR. are there equally strong design considerations with other aspects?
Dünser, A., Grasset, R., Seichter, H., Billinghurst, M. (2007) Applying HCI principles to AR systems design. Charlotte, NC, USA: Mixed Reality User Interfaces: Specification, Authoring, Adaptation (MRUI’07: 2nd International Workshop at the IEEE Virtual Reality 2007 Conference), 11 Mar 2007. Mixed Reality User Interfaces: Specification, Authoring, Adaptation (MRUI’07) Workshop Proceedings, 37-42.
Lessons Learned in Designing Ubiquitous Augmented Reality User
Christian Sandor and Gudrun Klinker Technische Universitat M¨ unchen, Institut f ¨ ur Informatik ¨
Boltzmannstraße 3, Garching bei Munchen, Germany ¨
(sandor, klinker)@in.tum.de
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